Research Models



Ask Questions

  • Brainstorm what you know and what you want to know about your topic or issue

  • Develop 3-5 research questions

Gather Information

  • Decide which websites and databases will be most helpful in finding information on your topic

  • Use text features & keywords to help you find information

  • Take notes - remember to use your own words- Try Research Note Cards to help you take notes

  • Cite sources

Organize Information

  • Use graphic organizers to help organize and categorize your notes into "Big Ideas"

  • Try using the "Category Organizer" to help you

Prepare and Produce

  • Decide the best way (essay, speech, slides, video) to communicate your findings to others (your teacher may have assigned the format)

  • Draft your product


  • Use feedback to revise your product

  • Present your information to your classmates


  • Evaluate the final product based on the rubric for your assignment.

  • Reflect on the research process

**Adapted from College Gardens ES, MCPS

College Gardens Elementary School. AGOPPE Research Model. MCPS, 2020, Accessed 6 July 2020.

Middle & High School


Ask Questions

  • Identify your research problem or issue

  • Read about the problem or issue

  • Analyze the problem and develop research questions

Gather Information

  • Use this resource to help you choose keywords based on your questions

  • Choose the best sources of information for your topic

  • Search for information

  • Record notes and track sources for citation purposes

Organize Information

  • Group your notes into categories - Use a Category Organizer to help

  • Summarize your findings

  • Draw conclusions and inferences

Prepare Information

  • Decide how you want to communicate your findings (this may be assigned by a teacher)

  • Prepare a first draft of your essay, speech, or script

  • Prepare a Works cited using your notes on the sources used

Present Information

  • Revise your first draft using peer or teacher feedback

  • Prepare your final product

  • Present the product to your audience

Evaluate Information

  • Evaluate your process and your product

**Adapted from Parkland Middle School, MCPS

Parkland Middle School Web Team. AGOPPE Research Model. MCPS, 2020, Accessed 6 July 2020.