Encrichment Summer Assignment


We at Pyle Middle School would like to encourage students to explore mathematics in a global context in order to assist them in their journey to becoming enduring mathematicians and thinkers. Research states that daily at home engagement in math concepts, high expectations, and guardian involvement (including discussing mathematics) help promote lifelong independent thinkers. 

This summer, Pyle Middle School students can complete a minimum of 5 of the tasks on the MATH-O board. We encourage you to challenge yourself by completing a straight row or diagonal, but if you need to jump around you may. A reflection sheet (to be used for videos and real world math websites) and capture sheet (to be used with all other squares)  are attached to each Math-O board to record students thoughts and new knowledge. When the tasks are complete, we are asking a parent or guardian to sign off in the box to confirm completion. Please bring your signed MATH-O board and completed evidence (writings, reflections, etc...) on the third day (8/31/23) of school.