MYP Personal Projects 

10th graders who sign to participate will work towards completing a MYP Personal Project. Students get to design their own learning experience! They will select an idea that interests them. They can use this for personal growth like learning to play an instrument or creating a work of art. They can also design a project to help those around them.  The components include composing a project proposal, setting criteria for success, creating an action plan, keeping a process/ATL journal, investigating background research, reflecting, and evaluating their work. There is a myMCPS course with resources to guide them through as well as workshops. Students will also meet with mentors. We will have a chance for students to present and share their projects in the spring. 

2024-2025 MYP Personal Project 

Important Dates:

Attendance will be taken. Students who attend a session will be excused from class.

Student should submit all work through the MYP Personal Projects Canvas Course.  Below are copies of the MYP Project Components.  Click each of the links to review the assignments for each component of the MYP Personal Project and accompanying slideshow presentation.