At Home Activity Center

~This page will be updated with Mrs. Cote's at home activity picks for students/families.~

Practice Some Relaxation Techniques

If you find yourself feeling worried or stressed out here are just two strategies you can practice at home to help you calm down. 

Look around the room you’re in. Find five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell and one thing you can taste. 

Breathe in slowly while counting to 4, hold your breath and count silently to 7,  breath out slowly while counting to 8.

Practice Your Mindfulness Skills

Mindfulness means that you let yourself slow down for a little bit and just focus on what is happening right in the moment. 

It can be very helpful when you begin to feel stressed, upset or distracted because it gives you time to just relax and think.

When you are mindful you are able to think clearer, be calm and even feel happier. 

It can be a hard sometimes to just slow down and focus on one thing at a time because it might feel like you keep getting distracted or your mind keeps racing but hear are two videos that can help you focus and practice your mindfulness skills. 

Try to allow yourself a few minutes of down time everyday to practice.

Promote Family Bonding with Reflection Time 

While our younger students may not be ready for responding to prompts with pencil and paper, using these for family discussion and reflection together can be fun while also encouraging critical thinking skills in our learners.

You may choose to talk about it, write about, draw about it or whatever works best for your family.

Here are just a few examples of some reflection prompts you may want to use: