Course Selection Process

Blair Course Selection Video.m4v

registration video

Check out this helpful video to assist in selecting your course requests for next school year!

Registration Presentation

A detailed presentation about the course registration process. Review and begin selecting your courses within Synergy.

Blair Academic Planning 2023-2024
Four Year Plan Importance Sheet .pdf

understanding a four year plan

Understand the importance of truly reviewing the course offerings and being sure of the selections you are making now. This course selection impacts your transcript, so be confident in what you are selecting! Check out program completers at Blair here.

MBHS Schedule Selection Worksheet

Utilize this worksheet write out the courses you plan to select for next school year. This will allow you to ensure you are selecting the correct courses and stay organized. Remember, review your graduation requirements and ensure you are meeting them!

Schedule Selection Worksheet

step by step - course request directions

Use the step by step directions here to select your courses for next school year. Make sure you have written out all course codes using the MBHS Schedule Selection Worksheet prior to going through all of these steps.

Step by Step How to Request Courses using StudentVue