School Wide Initiatives 

Little Bennett Student Ambassadors 

Students that are new to the school are guided and welcomed by Little Bennett Student Ambassadors which help to orient newcomers.  Ambassadors also help to make sure all students are feeling included and no excluding is taking place throughout the day.  The counselor meets with the Ambassadors that are selected from each class in K to 5th grade each month.   

The ambassadors are also in charge of supporting the Buddy Benches.  We have two benches located on the Kindergarten playground and the larger playground. We also have two meeting spots in addition to the benches. These spots are used to support children do not have another person to play with.  Ambassadors are charged to approach students on this bench in order to help them feel welcomed.  To learn more about the Buddy Bench you can visit:

Ambassadors are led by Mrs. Goode.

Bully Blockers Club

The Bully Blockers Club is for students in grades 3-5!  All students are encouraged to participate in the club to help keep the peace at Little Bennett.  Bully Blockers are needed to stand up if they see any mean behavior.  They can stand up for their friends by using their words or getting adult help.  Each 3rd to 5th grade class also has two Bully Blocker Representatives who meet with the counselor each month to discuss grade level concerns and to create solutions to problems.  Notes for these lunch meetings are taken and shared by the Bully Blocker representatives with their classmates during a class meeting format. Bully Blockers are led by Mrs. Helton.

Little Bennett Clothing Closet

The LB Clothing Closet includes donated clothing items for students who are in need of clothes.  Parents in need of clothes are encouraged to set up an appointment with Mrs. Helton to view the closet.

Little Bennett Smart Sack Program

Families who are in need of additional food over the weekend can elect to participate in this program and food will be sent home in their child’s backpack each Friday. For more information you can visit

Yearly Events Planned by the Counseling Department

Mentoring Program

Students could have the opportunity to meet with teachers or community members for lunch on a weekly or biweekly basis to promote academic and social skills. 

Zones of Regulation

This year at LBES, we are using the language of the Zones of Regulation to support our students identify and cope with big emotions. To learn more about the Zones and use the language at home, please visit