English Courses
The English Department offers a variety of mandatory courses as well as multiple elective classes. The courses range from on-level to honors and Advanced Placement English. All courses emphasize written and oral expression. Students will learn to respond to text, control language, and compose in various modes.
English electives support the core goals of the English curriculum. Journalism and yearbook courses emphasize writing for a specific purpose and are available to sophomores through seniors with solid writing skills. Drama, open to all students, teaches the principles of performance and technical theater as well as the history of drama.
TV Production, offered to sophomores through seniors, is a hands-on shooting and editing course that supplies the daily morning announcement video and other shows. TV students need excellent writing skills, a good eye for visual composition, and creativity. The single-semester Public Speaking and Public Relations courses are open to sophomores through seniors. These speech electives develop effective public speaking techniques, interview skills, and multi-media equipment use.
The year-long SAT Prep course affords juniors the opportunity to prepare for the three sections of the new SAT: critical reading, math, and writing. The course is co-taught by a math and an English teacher.