Visiting AND APPLYING TO Colleges

College Visits at Kennedy HS

-Juniors and Seniors are welcome to attend any of the college admissions representatives' visits held in the College and Career Center. These visits are usually in-person but may be held virtually.  You will need to register on Naviance.

How to sign up for college visits:
1. Log into your Naviance account.
2. Scroll down to the "What's New" section on the homepage.  (Click  "More Info"  to see the full list.)
3. Select the college visit that you would like to attend.

4. Click "Register".
5. IN-PERSON: A hall pass will be brought to your 1st or 2nd period class the morning of the college visit.  Use that pass to be excused at the time of the visit.

VIRTUAL:  A Zoom link will be provided in the section you signed up 1 hour prior to the event.

College Campus Visits and field trips

Juniors and Seniors may request up to three excused absences per year to visit a college. Students are required to make up all classwork missed. The parent must send in a note to the attendance office a week in advance stating that the student will be out of school for a college tour and/or information session. The principal approves these absences provided that the student is in good academic standing. 

There also may be field trips arranged by JFK to visit colleges and/or to attend college fairs.  More information will be announced at a later date.

Applying to Colleges

There are several ways to apply to a college.  

Check the college's admissions' webpage to see if they accept applications on their website, via Common App, via Coalition for College, or via the Black Common Application.  

Once you have chose your method to apply, 

Click HERE to view a video on how to register and apply on Common App.


Montgomery College is a two-year community college that accepts 100% of its applicants.  THERE IS NOT AN ACCEPTANCE PROCESS! Because it is a community college, anyone can sign up to take college-credited or non-credited courses with the goal of completing an associate's degree, some form of certification or to simply learn something new.  If you are planning to earn an associate's degree or transfer to a four-year college or university to continue your higher education to earn a bachelor's degree, you will need to submit a high school transcript and take the ACCUPLACER Test.  Montgomery College does not require teacher letters of recommendation.  For more information or to apply, please see their website at