Highland View
media Center

Come Visit Us

All students visit the Highland View media center weekly with their classes. Students may also visit every morning between 9:00 and 9:25, or at other times during the day with their teacher’s permission. Students are encouraged to return books on time so they can check out new books.

We believe reading is at the core of personal and academic competency. In line with the American Association of School Librarians' standards, we support students as they learn to locate and investigate new sources of information.

Borrowing Books

Kindergarten students may borrow one book per visit, and students in all other grades borrow may two books per visit. Books are due two weeks after they are checked out. Due dates are stamped on the back of the book.

Who We Are

Ms. Sylvia Augusteijn, Media Specialist
Ms. Tanya Jackson, Media Assistant

Contact Us:
