Glenallan Restorative Justice

What is Restorative Justice?

Restorative Justice is a mindset and philosophy toward school climate and relationship building. Important components are:

The focus is on education, learning from mistakes, identifying and working on the root of the behavior, making deep-level change, repairing relationships, and restoring students and staff to the environment.

The Key Values of Restorative Justice include:


A traditional discipline process asks:

 ● What rules were broken? 

● Who broke them? 

● How should we punish the offending student?

A restorative justice process asks:

 ● What happened? 

● Who was harmed? 

● Who is responsible for repairing the harm?

Glenallan's Restorative Justice Coaches are Corinna Navas and Jennifer Taylor.   Please reach out if you have questions or need support!

We encourage you to try Restorative Practices at Home!   

RJ at Home Handout-English and Spanish.pdf