
The library is here to serve ALL students and their families.

Students may check out books for 2 weeks at a time. There are passes available in each classroom for students to use throughout the week to exchange their books. The library is also open before school starts for student exchange.

How many books?

K- 1st graders can check out 2 books at a time. If the family requests more, that can be accommodated.

2nd - 5th graders can check out the number of books they need at that time. Students must keep their books from being harmed and return them. If a student repeatedly struggles with this, we will work with the classroom teacher and families to identify ways to support their independent reading.

Copyright is the term used to identify who is allowed to make copies of particular work. It is important to always give credit to someone for their work. If you don't give them credit, it is called plagiarizing.  If you are going to use it for educational purposes, include a citation for the work. For help in writing a citation, please use NoodleTools.  Here is  the MCPS policy on copyright.

Selection of items in the library is done often throughout the year. New materials are chosen through professional magazines, reviews, and recommendations. All material must be appropriate for the age group and support the curriculum and student interest. Materials should be relevant to today's world and have artistic, historic, or cultural value. Multiple viewpoints are available for students to learn different perspectives of issues in the news.

The Right to Privacy and Confidentiality is important when seeking out information. You are welcome to ask questions about any books in the library or how to find information on any of the websites and databases featured in this site. You will not be questioned about your interest or personal viewpoint and your questions will remain confidential. Check out all of MCPS student rights and responsibilities.

Work Cited

MCPS Associate Superintendent for Instruction and Program Development. "EGB-EA Using Copyrighted Materials." Aug. 1995. 27 Feb. 1980. File last modified on 2 May 1988. PDF. 

MCPS School Support and Improvement Chief Academic Officer. "JFA-RA Student Rights and Responsibilities." 19 Aug. 1994. File last modified on 19 Dec 2014. PDF.

NoodleTools. NoodleTools, n.d. 7 May 2023.