Benjamin Banneker School Counseling

During this period of remote learning, the Montgomery County Public School system is committed to continuing to provide support to our students and families.

*Check back often as the website is being continuously updated with new information and resources*

bbms counseling mission statement:

The BBMS Counseling Department focuses on advocacy and collaboration through our work with school and community stakeholders to ensure students are supported and successful socially, emotionally, and academically. Through our school counseling program, we strive to provide an equitable, accessible, and positive learning environment that helps students to become intrinsically-motivated learners, responsible citizens, and future leaders.

bbms counseling VISION statement:

Students at BBMS are intrinsically motivated life-long learners who have a vision and plan to achieve their post-secondary goals with passion; are committed to the personal, social, and emotional wellbeing of themselves and of others; and feel safe, valued, heard, and respected.

MCPS is committed to providing families with activities and materials to support learning during the closure. Learning activities and materials are available online through the myMCPS Classroom, as well as print materials for your child to access during our school closure.

Before students are able to communicate with teachers and staff through Zoom, they must set up an account with their MCPS Google account. Instructions can be found here.

How do you know which online platform to use for which class? This document provides instructions to help you learn how to use the various types of online platforms, and how to know which one is used for which class.

The most up-to-date information from Montgomery County Public Schools concerning the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is maintained on the linked website.