Shady Grove

Course Bulletin



Ms. Shenice N. Brevard

Assistant Principals

Ms. Elizabeth J. Merino and Dr. Timothy R. Bangerd

 Main Office: (240) 740-1440       Counseling: (240) 740-1448

Fax Number: (301) 548-7535


Welcome, new and returning students and families, to registration season at Shady Grove Middle School! It’s time to begin planning for the 2025-2026 school year. Each year our planning begins early to ensure that our students will have as much information as possible to make sound decisions based on their own personal needs and strengths.  

In this website you will find important articulation, registration, and meeting dates. Current fifth grade student’s families will hear about middle school requirements, registration process for classes, and our programs. Please call our Counseling Services Department Office at 240-740-1440, or email your grade level counselors if you have any pressing questions as we understand that there may be information you are not familiar with.

Shady Grove is excited to have the opportunity to work with you in our nurturing middle school environment. I also feel fortunate as principal to represent such an outstanding school, community, and student body. I look forward to meeting and working with you.


Shenice N. Brevard


Rising 6th Grade Parent/Caregiver Articulation Meeting Slide Decks in English and Spanish

2025-2026 Parent/Caregiver Articulation Meeting- ENGLISH
2025-2026 Parent/Caregiver Articulation Meeting- SPANISH

Parent Articulation Meeting Recorded Presentation

January 15, 2025 (Video will be uploaded soon)

2025 Parent Articulation Video.mp4
SPANISH Articulation Video for Parents

Counselor Presentations for Rising 7th and 8th Grade Students in Homeroom

Rising 7th Grade Elective Presentation

Rising 8th Grade Elective Registration 25-26 Video.mp4

Rising 8th Grade Elective Presentation

About Shady Grove


Students meet with their Homeroom teacher at the beginning of every day. During the year, students begin each day in Homeroom. During the daily 20 minute period, students participate in daily curated material of academic focus, cultural lessons, and they work collectively on custom made character education lessons. Students also have the opportunity to work on assignments and practice literacy and math skills individualized to their needs each week.

Student Service Learning (SSL)

Student Service Learning helps students learn and develop through active participation in thoughtful, organized service that meets a recognized community need. Students are required to complete 75 SSL hours to earn a Maryland high school diploma.  Students can earn 10 hours per year while in middle school for a total of 30 hours by successfully completing the service-learning components of designated courses.  These courses include Investigations in Science 6, English 7 and Advanced US History.  Teachers will provide information about the service learning projects available in their courses.  The remaining required 45 SSL hours may be earned throughout their middle and high school career by involvement in approved, unpaid activities within the school and community.  A list of approved non-profit organizations is available on the following website:  Students who accrue more than 260 hours receive an MCPS Certificate of Meritorious Service.  Students who accrue all 75 hours before April of their 8th grade year will receive the Superintendent’s Student Service Learning Award.

In order to receive credit, students must keep in mind the following requirements:

For questions regarding SSL hours, please visit or contact Ms. Lara Frashure at 240-740-1440.

Helpful links:

SSL Activity Verification Form 560-51

MCPS SSL Webpage

Montgomery County Volunteer Center

virtual opportunities

Special Education

Shady Grove has various special education services through our Learning Academic Disabilities (LAD), and Social Emotional Special Education Services (SESES) Programs.  Students that receive these services have varied Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) that provide specialized instruction to address their academic needs.  General and special education teachers collaborate to ensure students have meaningful opportunities to access the general education curriculum.  Instruction is designed to incorporate strategies that will enable students to make progress on their IEP goals and manage the rigor of content across all subject areas.  A continuum of services is offered, including consultation, full inclusion, self-contained classes, and a combination of inclusion and self-contained classes.

English for Emergent Multilingual Learners (EML)

The EML program provides support for non-native English speakers as they improve their American English speaking, listening, reading, writing and viewing skills. The program is broken into four sequential levels with the goal of becoming proficient in the English language. 

High School Credit for Middle School Courses

High School Credit for Middle School Students Class of 2025 (first time Grade 9 in 2021–2022)—by default high school credit courses taken in middle school are included on a high school transcript, but grade points are not calculated into the cumulative GPA. An automated process at the end of each semester will determine which courses to include or exclude resulting in the highest cumulative GPA. Transcripts and the Student Grade and Graduation Credit Report (SGGCR) generated after mid-February will reflect this GPA. Additional information about secondary grading can be found here: Middle school students must meet the same requirements as high school students by earning a final grade of A, B, C, or D each semester. Additional information is in MCPS Regulation IKC-RA, Grade Point Averages (GPA) and Weighted Grade Point Averages (WGPA), found at 

• If a student withdraws from a course before the end of the 25th day of the semester, no notation is made on the student’s permanent record or report card. 

• If the student withdraws after the 25th school day of the semester in which the class begins, a notation of “W,” or “Withdrew,” the date of the withdrawal, and the average grade at the time of withdrawal will be entered on the permanent record, transcript, and report card. 

• Should the student, with prior approval, transfer from an honors or advanced-level course to an on-level course in the same subject area (IKC-RA course-level change) after the 25th school day of the semester, no notation is made on the student’s permanent transcript, and appropriate credit is awarded for those courses completed successfully. The Office of Curriculum and Instructional Programs may designate approved on-level transfers for certain courses, which will be set forth in implementation guidance and available from school counselors. 

Advanced Courses

Gifted and talented (GT), honors and advanced courses provide opportunities for academically talented and motivated students to accelerate and enhance their learning experiences through exposure to advanced content, differentiated instruction, and on-going assessment.  These courses follow the approved grade level curriculum using instructional and assessment strategies that cover course objectives with more depth and require greater use of abstract and higher level thinking skills. Shady Grove offers GT, honors or advanced courses in the following content areas at all three grade levels: English, World Languages, Math, Social Studies, Science and Technology

Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP)

MCAP is a computer based and will provide students, parents, educators and the community with better student information at a faster pace and gather information that helps Mayland schools strengthen our instruction and improve student performance so that our graduates are ready to move into the workforce or a post secondary institution. MCAP will continue to assess the Mayland College and Career Ready Standards in reading, English/Language arts, and mathematics.