Gaithersburg Middle School Virtual Back to School Night

Welcome to GMS Virtual Back to School 9/14 Tuesday 5:00PM

Due to updated MCPS guidance, this event will now take place virtually. No registration needed or MCPS device.

Aqui es la presentacion en espanol.

5:00-5:45 PM-Virtual GMS Overview information session (school vision, health procedures, lunch plan, after school activities)

GMS Back-to-School Presentation Slides

5:45-6:00 PM-Virtual question and answer session regarding MCPS health curriculum with GMS PE/Health teachers

6:00-7:00 PM-Drop in virtual meet and greet with individual teachers through the GMS B2SN Teacher List with Zoom links and Back-to-School Videos

GMS teachers will post individual videos that can be watched at any time which will include information about their class

Meet the GMS administration

Meet your child's teacher and learn about the curriculum.

Visit the virtual counseling office

GMS Vision: Gaithersburg Middle School strives to make a positive difference in the lives of youth by developing 21st century critical thinkers so that every student is college and career ready.

Mission: Our mission at GMS is to provide an equitable, positive, and rigorous learning community; utilize data-driven instructional practices and academic interventions; collaborate effectively with staff, students, families, and feeder schools; and support all students intellectually, emotionally, and socially.