2019 Special Education Summit Presentations

Plugged-in Parents: Keeping Kids Safe, Happy and Healthy in the Digital Age

Reading Strategies for Parents to Support Alternative Learning Outcomes (ALO)

Making a Successful Transition

Effective Ways to Provide Lifelong Financial Support

Look Who's Talking!

Communication Development in Young Children

Toilet Training for Children with Special Needs

Understanding Executive Functions and Interventions – Elementary Students

Making Math Fun at Home

Strategies to Support the Mathematical Proficiency and Success of Middle and High School Students

Community Resources to Support Families and Children with Disabilities

Understanding Executive Functions and Interventions – Secondary Students

Fun and Engaging Activities to Support Early Literacy Skills

Understanding Dyslexia and Ways to Support Children Who Struggle with Reading and Spelling

The Road Doesn’t End Here: Exploring Life After HS Graduation

Living a Happy Life with a Special-Needs Child

Finding Great Summer Recreation Opportunities

Make It! Take It! Strategies to Reduce Challenging Behaviors in Young Children

Technology Tools to Support the Reading & Writing Skills of Elementary Students

Technology Tools to Support the Reading & Writing Skills of Secondary Students

Transitioning to Middle School

Repairing the Harm: Meeting the Needs of All Children through Restorative Justice

Supporting the Reading and Writing Skills of Elementary School Students at Home

Recognizing and Serving Twice Exceptional Students

Proven Strategies for How Parents/Guardians of Middle and High School Students Can Manage Challenging Behaviors at Home

Proven Strategies for How Parents/Guardians of Elementary School Students Can Manage Challenging Behaviors at Home

Partnering with the Montgomery County Police to Keep your Child with a Disability Safe

Padres, Preparate para la Escuela Intermedia

Matching Reading and Writing Tool


Student Barriers and Tool Match
