School Happenings
Photo By: Ms. Julie Dunn
The CHS Science Department gathers on a teacher workday.
(Not pictured: Mr. Kurt Green)
The CHS Science Department Is
In Its Element
By: Cayli Dillon
Christiansburg High School’s science department has many fun and interactive classes to take, and many teachers who strive to make learning fun and interactive. The teachers in the science department are Ms. Carla Corvin, Ms. Emelyne Danielson, Ms. Julie Dunn, Mr. Jordan Edwards, Ms. Catherine Galecki, Mr. Kurt Green, Mr. Britton Hipple, Ms. Becky Jaronski, Ms. Jennifer Maguire, And Ms. Katie Scheidt Most of the science classes are held in the 300 wing and taught by these teachers. The classes offered are inclusive and students are encouraged to both learn and have fun while attending these courses.
The CHS science department offers many classes. such as Earth Science, Environmental Science, Biology, Meteorology, Oceanography, Astronomy, Botany/Zoology, Ecology, Bioethics, DE Biology, DE Anatomy and Physiology, DE Biotechnology, Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Physics, and DE/AP Physics. The science department has many fun projects they are doing in their classes to enhance the learning process. For example, in Ms. Danielson’s class, students are engaging in as many hands-on learning projects as they can to further their knowledge of science. Mr. Hipple’s class is doing a project where students change the DNA of bacteria and observe how it reacts to antibiotics. In Mr. Green’s class, they students are also involved in many hands-on projects, while working collaboratively to assist each other in the learning of science.
The CHS science department is unique due to the fact the teachers all get along well with each other and are willing to share. This collaboration is important because the science department has to share equipment and classrooms. However, this problem will be solved with the new building CHS is getting next year, as well as getting more classrooms. The instructors are hoping that the classrooms will be larger, so that they can separate things like where they do labs and notes as well as where they store equipment.
When speaking with the various members of the science department, one can determine that they have very similar philosophies and goals in their teachings. They all hope to share what the academics that they are passionate about, while also sharing the nation of the world. The science department is very excited for the new building because of the fact it will make it easier for them to teach, and they won’t have to worry about missing equipment or not having enough room in their classroom. These minor changes will make a great difference in the quality of education they can offer as well as the appreciation they feel as professionals.
The CHS science department does a great dea for its students. They work hard to make sure that their students are learning to the best of their abilities by either changing their lectures or teaching styles to best fit the students’ needs or by giving students as much meaningful practice as they can. The faculty, staff, and students are all grateful for the hard work and true passion that is offered by the science department. It definitely does not go unnoticed!
The Theatre World Unraveled
By: Kayla Buonpane
Every year, the Theatre department comes back and amazes everyone with the productions that they put on. Mrs.Makala Witten is the head of the Theatre department and has had extensive experience in theatre. This includes being a member of Troupe 3070 when she was in high school. Starting at a young age, she would gather her cousins to perform small shows for her family. She started to perform on a larger scale in high school. Witten then attended college for English, but always had an interest in theatre. When she is performing, she says it “reminds me of what it is like to be a student again, and what it is like to be vulnerable when it comes to criticism.”
Her motivation to continue to teach is seeing her students grow in many ways. Whether it is acting, reading, writing, or even just as a person. When it comes to coming up with ideas for shows or even things to do in her classes, she goes to many people and places. For inspiration, Witten gets ideas from students, reading plays, going on social media groups, and going to conferences. She is completely committed to what she does. Witten says “it is very similar to an athletic coach but the difference is that the theatre season is year round.” She adds that “theatre is much like running a small business”.
Witten has many students that are part of the program. They are the heart of her motivation. She has inspired many students, some of which have gone to college to pursue theatre. One of these students is Joci Shelton. Shelton had been in theatre with Witten since seventh grade. While attending CHS, it was more of a rare occurrence that she would have another teacher, through her four years in high school it was almost always the same teachers every year. Shelton would always start her day with Witten in theatre. High School theatre was her “soul identity” for four years. High school theatre helped her find her identity. The theatre program has evolved, specifically regarding inclusivity. As of right now, what used to be the Theatre Programs Officers are now a council that is run by group members equally. When it came time to leave the only thing that she knew for four years it was explained as “Heart-wrenching but Bittersweet at the same time.”
Adjusting to “college life” has been an “odd experience.” Between professors being more laid back and sometimes feeling like an imposter where she is. She has worked long and hard to be where she is and she has had to learn that she deserves to be where she is. Shelton says that “they picked me for a reason. I auditioned with my best foot forward and hoped for the best.” Theatre in college and theatre in high school are different but also the same in many ways. In college there is no second chance, it is all based on tough love. It is a highly competitive and intense activity to be involved in. Shelton adds that “The tech crew does more than everyone thinks, there really is never a point in time that someone is just sitting not doing anything.” This opened her eyes to the fact that theatre is truly a team sport.
Picture By: Demon's Voice Staff
The theatre bulletin board was updated with a new show.
Photo by: Demon's Voice Staff
The advanced theater class of the 2022-2023 school year.
Every year there is a One Act competition piece put on, last year the one act was Taming of the Flapper which was a rendition of Taming of the Shrew. This year the one act is borderless lands. Borderless Lands is a student written show created by Julian Howard, Howard has been in theatre for many years and has taken an interest in script writing. For the past two years the one act performances have been student written and have been very successful.
Only the actor can control how an audition or a call back goes, it is not personal when you don’t get casted. Shelton says that “It is quite competitive and is 90% rejection based and putting your best foot forward and persevering through the difficult patches is really what you have to do.” It will always hurt when someone doesn't get casted but, learning how to accept it is a great skill to have. If Shelton could tell young actors and actresses one thing it would be, “lead with empathy, and be happy for eachother. Even if you don't get the role, be happy for the person or people that did.” When Witten came into Sheltons life, that is when her career started to take off. Not only has Witten been an inspiration to Shelton but she has been an inspiration to many of her students. With Witten as the heart of the theatre department, Shelton as a forever advocate, and more students joining yearly Troupe 3070 is in good hands. CHS theatre department has excelled in many ways and aspects and plans on continuing to do so.
Picture By: The Roanoke Times
Projections of Christiansburg High School after construction.
Christiansburg High School Goes Under Construction
By: Isabelle Bowman
Christiansburg High School is going to undergo renovations to give the school long awaited improvements. In the winter of 2022, construction of the school will begin and is estimated to be done sometime in the year of 2025. Although there have been some disagreements and complications along the way, this multi-million dollar project is going to make CHS look brand new and better than ever.
In March of 2022, the plan to renovate CHS was approved. This project includes adding more natural lighting to the school, since there are little to no windows. It has also been said that expansion to classrooms will be done along with an academic wing added onto the school. According to The Roanoke Times, “the reason for this is the overcrowding in classes and this will accommodate the capacity issues.” Mentioned in The Roanoke Times, “some plans have been shown wanting to stack classrooms and the cafeteria making it two stories.” There have been some debates whether or not the stacking of the cafeteria or classrooms will happen since there could be distractions and loud noises coming from the gym making disruptions for classes and lunches. There was a discussion about reducing the cost limits which means the additions being added onto the building could possibly be reduced. The elimination of a proposed bridge connection is also possible, which would also downsize the front entry of the school.
The budget for the construction of CHS was originally set at 90 million dollars. WDBJ7 says, “Originally, the board voted 4-3 not to approve a $100 million amount before it was amended to $90 million. The board approved the amended amount 6-1.” Since this vote the costs of the project have majorly changed. They have now gone 20 million dollars over the budget, pushing the total cost to 128 million dollars. The deadline for this spending is 2024. Penny Franklin, a Montgomery County school board member, spoke with The Roanoke Times and said, “I can’t tell you how disappointed, frustrated…about that not being a reality, even from the beginning,” In her interview it was also stated that she had been under the impression the district would still be able to afford the project even amid adjustments of its proposed designs.
Although there has seemed to be some complications and many discussions about the CHS renovation plan, many seem to be excited about the school finally receiving a much needed update. While the construction hasn’t started yet, citizens of Christiansburg will see more of the plans and the outcome later this year and what's to come over the next few years as well.