Northside Elementary

Student Services Team

During this period of virtual learning, Northside Elementary's Student Service Team is committed to continuing to provide support to our students and families.

** Check back often as the website is being continuously updated with new information and resources**

Please follow this link to find a list of our team members and our contact information. Feel free to reach out to any of our members.

We are all living in a time of heightened anxiety and many of us, adults and children alike, could benefit from some resources.

There are many local and national programs available to help with basic necessities and to ensure that all children have access to food while schools are closed.

MCPASD will be providing free breakfast and lunch daily for students.

How do you talk to your childabout COVID-19? We've compiled resources to help navigate these conversations and support children through this stressful time.

Here you will also find links to free educational resources to help support remote learning.

If you are a student or the parent/guardian of a student who is experiencing a mental health crisis, such as suicidal thoughts or actions of self-harm, please contact Mobile Crisis at 211.