Social Emotional Learning Resources

Social Emotional Resources

4K/Early Childhood

Online Activities

Sesame Street: Little Children, Big Challenges: tips and strategies to help adults and children (ages 2 to 5) navigate challenges and build lifelong skills for resilience.

On Demand Second Step Early Learning Lessons on Emotion Identification and Management

Mind Yeti: Mindfulness videos. English/Español

The Imagine Neighborhood: Podcasts for kids that cover social emotional learning topics.

Offline Activities

Practice identifying feelings in oneself and others: English/Español

Practice calming strategies: English/Español

Practice fair ways to play: English/Español

Read books that build social-emotional literacy

Other Second Step activities from their summer camp

Click this link to access additional Social Emotional Learning and Support Resources for the 4K and Early Childhood Level.


Online Activities

Mind Yeti: Mindfulness videos. English/Español

The Imagine Neighborhood: Podcasts for kids that cover social emotional learning topics.

Offline Activities

Express a Gratitude to someone

Make a family Kindness Jar

Play a cooperative board game or card game

Make up a cooperation game

Practice Calming Strategies

1st Grade

Online Activities

Mind Yeti: Mindfulness videos. English/Español

The Imagine Neighborhood: Podcasts for kids that cover social emotional learning topics.

Offline Activities

Express a Gratitude to someone

Make a family Kindness Jar

Play a cooperative board game or card game

Make up a cooperation game

Practice Calming Strategies

2nd Grade

Online Activities

Mind Yeti: Mindfulness videos. English/Español

The Imagine Neighborhood: Podcasts for kids that cover social emotional learning topics.

Offline Activities

Express a Gratitude to someone

Make a family Kindness Jar

Play a cooperative board game or card game

Make up a cooperation game

Practice Calming Strategies

3rd Grade

Online Activities

Mind Yeti: Mindfulness videos. English/Español

Offline Activities

Express a Gratitude to someone

Make a family Kindness Jar

Play a cooperative board game or card game

Make up a cooperation game

Practice Calming Strategies

4th Grade

Online Activities

Mind Yeti: Mindfulness videos. English/Español

Offline Activities

Express a Gratitude to someone

Make a family Kindness Jar

Play a cooperative board game or card game

Make up a cooperation game

Practice Calming Strategies