We are not holding lessons at this time. Please continue to check our website and Facebook Page for updates

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MCPA Pool Management 

Swim Lessons

The Bob Joers Aquatic Center is not currently running any swim lessons

Parent/Tot: Ages 6 months-2 years 

This level is for babies and toddlers...and their grown ups, too! Parents/guardians will be in the water with their child. An instructor will lead the class through many songs and activities, all aimed to introduce your child to the swimming pool!

Level 1: Introduction to Water Skills

This beginning level helps students feel comfortable

in the water & introduces basic water skills, like blowing bubbles and floating on their front and back.

Level 2: Fundamental Aquatic Skills

This level focuses on learning and improving fundamental water skills, like kicking and moving through the water.

Level 3: Stroke Development

This level focuses on stroke development, like rudimentary/rhythmic breathing for front crawl. 

Level 4: Stroke Improvement

This level focuses on improving the basic strokes learned in previous levels. Students should also develop confidence in their ability to perform many aquatic skills in level 4.

Level 5:  Stroke Refinement

This level is for stroke refinement and providing further coordination and improvement of all 4 competitive strokes.

Swim Team Prep: 

This class is for students who may have completed all of the "learn to swim" levels, and is looking for a way to stay active and involved in swimming lessons. Swim Team Prep is also for students who may swim on a summer team, and are looking for a place to stay in shape. The class is run similar to how a swim team practice would be--lots of work on stroke technique, diving, flip turns, and more!

Adult/Teen Lessons: Beginners and Experienced

There are no lessons Scheduled at this time.

We are thrilled to be able to offer swimming lessons to teens & adults! Learning to swim is a HUGE deal, and we're here to help you! Our Teen/Adult lessons are 45 minutes long, on Thursdays. We can accommodate beginning swimmers and also those who are looking for help with technique, too!

F.A.S.T  (Fit Adults and Stroke Techniques)

There are no lessons Scheduled at this time.

Focusing on:  Stroke patterns, coordination, body position, and breath control, flexibility and cardiovascular and strength conditioning.


To sign up for swim lessons, please register and pay online at mcpasd.feepay.com

If you do not currently have a Feepay account, please create an account.

Once on Feepay you will see an activities button, hit that button and then search for swim lessons, 
