Join & Support PFA
Why Join and Support the PFA?
Because your participation matters!
Here is what some parents said about PFA after they joined.
"I felt like I didn't know what was going on in middle school, then I attended my first PFA meeting and finally felt like I had a place to get my questions answered! The Superintendent was even there and spent time answering MY questions! I couldn't believe how personable and helpful the entire administration was that day. Plus they had great coffee :-)"
"My 8th grader didn't want me anywhere near campus, I felt so removed. I decided to volunteer at the Ability Awareness Fair since this was a 7th grade program and it wouldn't embarrass him. I am so glad I did! Seeing these kids and their capacity for compassion filled me with joy. Plus I met some other great parents and even learned about an online calendar I didn't know existed. Thank you PFA for putting on these programs and bringing us parents into the fold to catch a glimpse."
"I went to my first PFA meeting after an event was scheduled on a religious holiday. I was ready to fight! And then I walked in to something I never expected, open-minds and a desire to do better. Becuase I attended this meeting, I was able to educate the board and was even invited to help with calendaring in the future so it didn't happen again. The PFA made me feel important. If I hadn't gone to that meeting, I would have seethed quietly when it just wasn't necessary."
How much does it cost?
PFA Membership is open to all MCMS parents, legal guardians, faculty, and community members. Annual membership is $25 per family, and every paid household has a voting voice at PFA meetings.
If you choose to participate in our No Frills fundraiser (click to learn more), your $325 contribution includes your PFA membership! Being a PFA Member shows your support for our school community yet comes with no obligations.
The MCMS PFA Tax ID # is 90-0597255.
In order to deliver a high-quality program for our students, we depend on voluntary donations from parents. Please know again, however, that ALL students will receive the same opportunities, experiences, and/or materials regardless of whether a contribution is made. Please also know that if we do not raise the anticipated amount set aside for the budget this year, the program will have to cut back on extra opportunities for our students in the future. For further information and legal references, you can visit our website:
Want to Learn MORE?
Check out the summary of notes from our PFA meetings.
In order to deliver a high-quality program for our students, we depend on voluntary donations from parents. Please know again, however, that ALL students will receive the same opportunities, experiences, and/or materials regardless of whether a contribution is made. Please also know that if we do not raise the anticipated amount set aside for the budget this year, the program will have to cut back on extra opportunities for our students in the future. For further information and legal references, you can visit our website: