Our Staff

Our Editors

Our current editors are divided among our older students; they are chosen based on the following criteria:

1. Excellent composition skills

    • Is a consistent and well-educated editor; reads over the work and discusses unfamiliar discrepancies with the club adviser

2. Consistency in availability

    • Dependable to organize and evaluate our writings so we can publish in a timely fashion

3. Dependable leadership skills

    • A dedicated person who can take a few minutes to prepare discussion points and lead/respond to the discussions prior to our meetings

4. Successful meeting coordinator and adviser liaison

    • Is proactive and a good meeting minutes recorder

    • Is a respectable person who checks in with the club adviser prior to publishing others' writings

Our Writers

Our writing staff is open to all students; however, with limited space and time, we are looking for the following in our writers:

1. Sufficient composition skills

    • Someone eager to research, eager to write, and eager to build their own editing and writing skill repertoire

    • Someone who fact checks their work

    • Someone who writes in a professional, detached fashion

2. Dependable attendees

    • While club meetings might overlap one's personal schedule, we are looking for participants who are motivated to listen as well as contribute their points to our planning and editing

    • Should a student sign up and never attend, the image of disinterest and abuse of the club's image for college resume purposes is implied; please be kind and try to attend our meetings.

3. Consistent submission of articles

    • Should a student only submit an article once OR none at all, they will be removed from the newsletter staff; there is no reason for such inconsistency and sporadic behavior

    • Should there be a specific reason, declaring it in private to the club adviser is preferred (i.e. "Medical reasons; family reasons; large project due", etc.)