2017 WOTM Winners

February 2017  

A Place I Used to Call Home - By Isabel Asmaryan, 7K

Longing - By Lucia Roohizadegan, 11I

Lost - By Yuxuan Zhao, 7F

Papers, Please - By Andy Zhan, 12L

This is Not Reality - By Adam El Horri, 10E

March 2017

The Silent Scream - By Ellisa Seow, 12J

From, From? - By Angela Chen, 12B WRITER OF THE YEAR!

Hakuna Matata - By Elise Williams, 12L

Family - By Chloe Fredericks, 8J

April 2017  

Morsels - By Patrick Brett, 12B

Sun to my Moon - By Cailyn Harris, 11D

The Bus Stop - By Arwen Verdnik, 10E

I Remember - By Monique Kuzmis, 10F

What Happiness Means to Me - By Drew Thompson, 7H

May 2017

Within - By Caitlin James 11E

The German Who Stayed to Tea - By Ellie Curry 10H

After - 3000 - By Joshua Plumb 8I

Nightmares - By Persephone Gardiner 7G

June 2017

Power - By Brinda Manogaran 12G

Almost - By Sophia Gu 11D

Falling - By Tia Finn 8H

July 2017

No Longer - By Indigo Erez 12C

An Ending  - By Michelle Rosin 10G

Expiry - By Jaime Tyzack 8H

Colour Blind  - By Ruby Weir 7N

August 2017  

Yekenni - By Ben Gonsalvez, 12D

Somewhere New - By Hannah St John, 10H

Highway - By Sahithi Yenna, 8K

Fall - By Surina Chakravorty, 7D

Falling - By Benji Dyskin, 7F

A Cross Country Race - By Mia Richards, 7J

WOTM will not run during term 4 of 2017, due to Ms Pentland being on Long Service Leave. 

The competition will resume in February of 2018.

Previous Winners:

2010     |     2011     |     2012     |     2013     |     2014     |     2015     |     2016     |     2017     |     2018     |     2019     |     2020     |     2021     |     2022