The World In Your Class

Club Introduction

The World In Your Class

Teacher Sally is an Australian. She is going to bring the world into the Muzha club. Suppose you join Sally's club. Sally is going to take you to see the world. Australian, French, Indian and Japanese teachers and students will come and share their unique stories. No matter is face to face or online classes. It will never stop us from knowing this world. To use the high technique to meet and create more opportunities and possibilities in your world. Please join us. The window is always open for you, and Sally can't wait to see you and discover the world together!!

2020 Feb



Kanazawa Club Poster

9/17 Australia

社團國際教育Sally Chen 澳洲Worksheet 2021.9.17.pdf



社團國際教育Sally Chen 澳洲 2021.9.17.pdf

Power Point


9/24 Franch Christopher Boyd

Christopher Boyd Worksheet 2021.9.24.pdf


Christopher Boyd, Age 28, is from France and graduated from ESA St-Luc Bruxelles (art school). After graduation, he stayed in Belgium (比利時) and began his travel life in January 2017. He had visited some places in Asia, including Thailand(泰國), Myanmar(緬甸), Hong Kong(香港) and Taiwan.

Chris also went to many different schools around Taiwan during his trip. There was one kindergarten, six primary schools, one junior high school and one bookstore. To his surprise, he got incredible feedback through his sharing from one to another.

Chris loves Taiwan very much, and he plans to come back to Taiwan this year. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, he cannot come to Taiwan at this moment. Therefore, we will use high-tech equipment called "Online Media Tutoring” to learn painting together with Chris. Please enjoy the class!!!


10/1 Japan Kanazawa High School

社團計劃書: 台灣台北市木柵國中 V.S. 日本石川縣金澤高中 .pdf


學習單:2021.10.01 台灣台北市木柵國中VS 日本石川縣金澤高中.pdf
