
This was made with an app called tinker cad it is fun easy and really cool, you can make anything you want with it so check it out and you can make cool things.

Mar 20, 2018 10:01 AM.webm

This is my video of me playing It is really fun and amazing you get to compete with friends and you can win and earn points. So you should go check it out here is the link

This is the work I did in

What I learned in was how to type the correct way and the more efficient way. I was surprised when it was getting easier and easier but then it just got harder and harder. So it was a challenge but it helps you type the correct way, so now I think if I keep practicing soon or later I will be typing the efficient way.

This is my code combat tutorial it will give you tips on your coding so if you want to give it a try and you will have lots of fun.Here is the link to code combat give it a try.

This is I used it to work on my coding. I hope that you will try it out.Below you will be able to find the link to

Here is the link to


This is Wevideo Here is the app click here to go to wevideo I used it to make a video I added sound effects and other really cool things it was fun and easy but a little bit challenging you can use it to make tons of cool videos I hope you check it out and have fun with it.

This is a app called Little alchemy click on the words this is the app and it will take you to little alchemy were you can create different things with tons of cool objects and it is fun fast and easy.

4 grade orange Reese Miriam.webm

This is our video of asking questions for our principle and our assistant principles. Please check it out it is really good.