Summer Bridge Plans

Mentor Welcome


8:30-8:45am Start off in 2 Groups (approx. 25 each)

8th- Tyler & Gunter's room


Standard: RL.6.6 Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.

Groups of 4 or 5.

Refugee pg. 49-50 (building has been hit, Mom runs back inside to grab stuff)

What would you grab (group, pair, share)?

8:45-9:00am Break up into 4 groups.

9:00-10:00am 15 min rotations

Science- Draw design of freedom boat (engineering process)

A Framework for K-12 Science Education identifies practices and crosscutting concepts that promote a greater understanding of disciplinary ideas in science and how they are developed.

The Science and Engineering Practices are:

  1. Asking questions and defining problems
  2. Developing and using models

Math-Measure out the 100 meters that the boat must travel

Standards for mathematical practice

  • Model with mathematics.
  • Attend to precision.
  • Use appropriate tools strategically. ...

ELA- Schedules- How do you read this thing?

Students who are college and career ready demonstrate:


Social Studies- Maps-Escape the mundane.

National Geography Standards include the following skills:

  • asking geographic questions;
  • acquiring geographic information;
  • organizing geographic information;
  • analyzing geographic information; and
  • answering geographic questions.


Build boats in each room utilizing the Engineering Design Process.

Materials needed: Cardboard, Ducktape (3 rolls per student group)

Shaver's Room (Resources for their trip)

11:00-11:30am Lunch (Rooms will be called individually).





Use map

Make it to the River

Work to escape the mundane!


Return to School

Debrief (What worked, What didn't?)

