Cities of the Future

Driving Question:

How can we create more sustainable cities through the use of renewable energy sources?

Cities of the future are going to need to harness energy from a variety of sources. Examples would include solar, geothermal, wind, and possibly even nuclear power. As our population continues to expand and our demand for new technology is ever-increasing, energy sources will have to be used with maximum efficiency in mind.

Your task is to select a current city, research the issues of that city, and design solutions so that city that will be as energy-efficient as possible to cope with the demands of the future.

Participants will complete and submit the following products:

  • City Constitution
  • City Flag
  • Blueprint (2D) of your Future City
  • Virtual city design (using Minecraft) OR a scale model built from recycled materials
  • Website portraying the history of your city from the future looking back, detailing how the energy problem was addressed;
  • Presentation of complete project

Check out 5 Cities of the Future for ideas!