Chromebook FAQ

General Questions and Answers About McCracken County Schools 1:1 Chromebook Initiative

What is a Chromebook?

A Chromebook is a laptop or tablet using Chrome OS as its operating system. The devices are primarily used to perform a variety of tasks using the Google Chrome browser, with most applications and data residing in the cloud rather than on the machine itself.

What are Google Apps for Education (GAFE)?

GAFE is a acronym for Google Apps for Education. Google is currently offering schools a hosted solution for their Email, Calendar, Docs, Drive, Sites, Sheets and meetings through Google Apps for Education, an integrated communication and collaboration solution.

Can my student bring their own laptop or iPad?

Students attending McCracken County High School may bring their own personal devices to campus. However, there will very limited tech supported provided for devices not owned by McCracken County Schools.

However, students attending any of our middle schools are not allowed to bring their personal devices for use during the school day. All students will be issued a chromebook whether they participate in the $30 Chromebook User Fee or not. They are required to use their school issued device.

What is a Day User?

If you opt out of paying the $30 Chromebook user fee your child will be a day user. Day users will pick up their assigned chromebook in the morning and a staff member will collect them at the end of the day.

How is my student's chromebook identified from another student's?

All the Chromebooks are the same, so they look very much alike. However, each Chromebook will have a district user asset tag and a manufacturer serial number. The district keeps all that data, so if a Chromebook is misplaced, we can determine who it is assigned to get it back to the student user. Any ID stickers that are on the Chromebook when issued must stay on the Chromebook.

Will my student be able to access unsafe or inappropriate websites?

Use of MCPS devices at school and at home are monitored and controlled by Lightspeed Filtering. We do our best to ensure your child's online experience is safe.

NOTE: Whenever your child is logged into a chrome browser with their school ID, including your own personal devices, they will be filtered by our filtering system. Ensure you have them logout so that your browsing experience is not limited by MCPS.

What happens if my student damages their Chromebook?

If the Chromebook is damaged, it will be sent to the school's help desk for repair.

High School students will need to submit their own repair ticket at

Middle School students will need to inform their classroom teacher and that teacher will inform the help desk on their behalf.

Does the $30 cover if the Chromebook is damaged?

No, the $30 is a yearly user fee.

Upon arrival to the HelpDesk, the Chromebook will be assessed to determine the cause of damage. If the damage is not caused by neglect or abuse, there will be no charge. However, if the student is responsible for the necessity of the repair, they will be responsible for the cost. Repairs can range from $25 to $100 if the laptop needs to be completely replaced.

Are we allowed to repair or work on the Chromebooks ourselves?

No, any repair or technical work must be performed by our help desk personnel. Any attempt to change the condition of a Chromebook issued by McCracken County Schools is a direct violation of our 1:1 user agreement and may result in a loss of privileges.

What if there is a problem with my student's Chromebook?

Similar to when a Chromebook may be damaged, it will be sent to the school's help desk for assessment.

High School students will need to submit their own repair ticket at

Middle School students will need to inform their classroom teacher and that teacher will inform the help desk on their behalf.

What happens while my student's Chromebook is being repaired?

Normal procedure will be to issue the student a loaner Chromebook until the repairs are completed.

Will there be charging stations at the school?

Students are expected to charge their Chromebooks nightly at home and bring them to school fully charged. Students are not to bring their AC chargers with them to school. Students are not allowed to charge their chromebooks at school.

My student lost her charger, can I just buy any charger that will fix and send that one in?

No, if your student loses their assigned charger, they must purchase a replacement from a MCPS help desk. Replacement chargers will cost $39.99

Are students allowed to download games and programs on their Chromebook?

To keep students from accessing inappropriate games and websites, MCPS devices at school and at home are monitored and controlled by Lightspeed Filtering. We do our best to ensure your child's online experience is safe.

Will my student be able to bring their Chromebook home?

Any student that has paid their $30 user fee for the current school year is allowed to bring their Chromebook home from school. If a student is unable to pay the $30 user fee for the year, they will become a Day users and will pick up their assigned chromebook in the morning and a staff member will collect them at the end of the day.

Can my student use the Chromebook for personal things after school hours?

Yes. Students who have paid their $30 user fee for the current school year may bring their Chromebook home and use it for schoolwork as well as personal use. However, use of MCPS devices at school and at home are monitored and controlled by Lightspeed Filtering, assuring that the student does not access inappropriate content regardless of their location.

Is there any technical support after school hours?

No, we do not provide technical support after school hours. All issues with a student's Chromebook will be handled during normal school hours.

Does my student need to back up their work to insure it is not lost?

Every project created on a student's Chromebook is saved to their Google Drive folder so that you can access it at home, on the road, at work, or anywhere else you might need it. For example, when a student creates a new document with Docs, Docs automatically saves the document to your Drive. As you edit your document, Docs continuously saves each change to Drive so that you have almost no risk of losing your information.

Will all my student's teachers and lessons be accessible through the Chromebook? Will I be able to see his work and assignments?

Parents do not have direct access into their student's Google Classroom. This is done to comply with FERPA laws put in place to protect the privacy of student education records. Instead, guardians receive an email summary of their student’s work, which contains information about missing work, upcoming work, and class activity.

How much storage will my student have for their schoolwork?

Each user has unlimited storage for Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos.