
Maria Hines


November 20th

Married to:

Terry Hines


Sweet Baby Benjamin (21 months)


Willow (Black Lab) and Pippa (Cat)


Music: Christian, Country, 90's, 80's, oldies... Basically anything I can understand!

Color: Navy and Turquoise

Candy: plain M&M's

Drink: Spanish, Butter-Pecan, or Sea-Salt Caramel Latte from Etcetera... YUM

Team: Go CATS! Kentucky all the way!

Foods: Mexican, Chinese and pizza.

Places: Panama City Beach, Florida

Contact Info:


Phone: (270) 538-4110

Words cannot express how excited I am to be teaching 2nd grade at Hendron Lone Oak this year! This will be my tenth year teaching and my fifth at HLOE. I graduated from Western Kentucky University (GO TOPS!) with a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education. I cannot wait to get to get to know each and every child and parent. It is going to be a GREAT year!