CLC overview

The Miami County ESC works closely with Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams from area school districts to provide a specialized learning environment for students (Kindergarten through 12th grade) at the Cooperative Learning Center. Along with academic instruction, students attending this school focus on building positive social skills, emotional regulation/coping skills, and increased communication. Instruction is available for students that require modified curriculum (aligned with Ohio’s extended content standards). Also, students have the opportunity for vocational and functional life skills training. Our staff partners with families and outside agencies to provide comprehensive support to students as they work toward their individual goals.

Miami County Educational Service Center


Meeting the unique needs of every student, every educator, every day.


For children who face challenges and have ever-changing needs, we are here to believe in them, to support them, and to make a difference.

Core Values

At the Miami County Educational Service Center we value student centered:

  • Service

  • Collaboration

  • Advocacy

  • Professionalism