Mrs. Yehle 5th Grade  

LA Homework

April 26, 2024


Social Studies - Country Report

Stay Connected

Email -

Remind101 Communication - quick "heads up" texts

School Phone - 201-845-9110

Instagram - @masgrade5LA

School Website -

Genesis - Teacher comments and Grades

Extra Help/Make Up Work 

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 8:00am - 8:20am

This time is available for any students that are struggling on a current homework assignment, or a skill that we are working on that week in class. 

If your child needs a little extra help with an assignment, shoot me an email the night before so I am aware to watch for them the next morning before school.

This time is NOT to be used to do the homework; it is used to help them with a piece of it that they are struggling with.

Homework Club is available Monday - Thursday from 3:00-4:15 in the Media Center and the Computer Lab. There is a teacher there each day to assist with their homework. 

If your child is ever absent, please check the "Did You Miss Class?" folders to get the make up work.