MEM Health Webpage

"You can't educate a child who is not healthy, and you can't keep a child healthy who is not educated." 

 Joycelyn Elders

Alyssa Fugnitti, BSN, RN, NJ-CSN

Hours: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM 

Phone: 201-845-9113 Ext. 2102 

Fax: 201-845-0657   

It is my privilege to help care for your child while in school.  Below you will find some procedures that are to be followed in helping to safeguard your child's health in accordance with district policy and NJ state law. 

Medications may only be administered in school by the nurse or parent.  Written permission from a child's physician is required for any medication to be administered in school (including ANY over the counter medications- Tylenol, Motrin, topical creams, etc.).

Asthma, Allergy, Seizure and Diabetic medication requires special documentation. Appropriate forms can be found under the HEALTH FORMS tab above.  

Please keep me updated with any illness or immunizations your child may receive. If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am looking forward to a safe and healthy school year!

Mrs. A Fugnitti, RN 

When should you keep your child home from school?

It is sometimes difficult to determine if a child really needs to stay home and miss school.  Here are some guidelines:

Reporting a Student Absence or to Report a Student Late for School:

In the event your child will be tardy or absent, you need to notify the school by 8:30 AM, even if you have notified the teacher.

Please call the attendance office at your child’s school to report the absence.

Clearly state:

Voice mail is connected 24 hours a day so you can call anytime.

If an absence is not reported, we will contact you to ensure the safe whereabouts of your child.  When a child fails to report to school and when there is no parent/guardian notification the police department must be notified.

If your child has been absent for 5 or more consecutive days a physician’s note should be presented upon returning to school.