Mayville Agricultural Science & FFA 

Agricultural Science Mission: 

Agricultural education prepares students for successful careers and a lifetime of informed choices in the global agriculture, food, fiber and natural resources systems.

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Agricultural Science Education:  a designed program that includes 3 major components to prepare our students to be college and career ready.

Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE): 

SAE’s offer hands-on opportunities for students to refine their employability skills and tackle real-world situations. It also challenges students to apply what they learn in class and FFA activities in order to solidify knowledge and skills.   

Classroom & Lab:

Academic & Technical Skills through classroom experience. The class component builds student knowledge of agriculture, food, fiber, and natural resources systems and techniques, current technologies and advancements, and issues related to environmental, economic, and social sustainability. It also integrates FFA and SAE concepts and principles into daily instruction. 

FFA Organization:

Leadership and 21st Century Skills through FFA. The FFA offers opportunities to develop life and career skills as well as incentive programs that encourage student excellence in the class and SAE components. Without the class and SAE components, there would be no knowledge and skill basis for which the FFA could offer competitions or award programs. Likewise, without the FFA, the life and career skill attainment would be moderate.