'Growing the community one child at a time'

Maynards Green CP School 


Dear Mums, Dads and Carers, 

I have to begin with a huge well done to Year 6 for their performance during SATs week. Their positive attitude and determination to show how much they have learnt is an absolute credit to them and to their teachers. I would also like to thank their parents and carers for supporting them during the week and ensuring that they arrived at school settled and ready for the day and the majority also ready for our SATs breakfast! It is the turn of Year 4 after the half term break to show what they have learnt, when they sit the national Multiplication Tables Check. I know they have been practising their tables in school and hopefully they will take some time over the break to brush up on the 'tricky ones'!

I am sad to say we will be saying a few goodbyes next term, firstly a temporary goodbye to Mrs Allen, our Year 6 class TA, who will be commencing her maternity leave at the end of this term. We wish her and her family all the very best with the new arrival and look forward to meeting her new baby once they arrive. We will also be saying goodbye to Gail Forward, our bursar, who will be following my example and retiring in July. Gail has only be with us a relatively short time but she will be hard to replace. On behalf of the staff, children and Governors, I would like to thank her for all she has done for the school and wish her good luck for the future. My final goodbye and thank you is to Hannah Barbe, who has represented the parents on the Governing Board at Maynards Green since February 2022 and has just stepped down. On behalf of the whole school community I would like to thank Hannah for her hard work and commitment to the school and wish her all the best for the future. 

As a result of Hannah's resignation, the Governing Body are looking for a replacement Parent Governor. I will be sending out more information about the role and how to apply next week but if you have any questions in the meantime or would like to speak to me or the Chair of Governors, please contact the school office.

Finally, I would like to congratulate Year 3 on their great class assembly this week. They shared their learning with such confidence and clarity that they made us and I have no doubt their watching parents proud. well done Year 3, you have made amazing progress this year.

I hope you and the children have an enjoyable and restful half term break and don't forget we break up on the 23rd of May, usual time 3:15 and the 24th May, is an INSET day, so no children are expected in school.

Kind regards

Karen Cromwell



Link to our attendance policy - click here 

Year R - 96.5%

Year 1 - 94.4%

Year 2 - 96.4%

Year 3 - 95.6%

Year 4 - 96.2%

Year 5 -96.9%

Year 6 - 96.8%

PSHE - Changing Me

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

The Jigsaw unit ‘Changing Me’ is taught in the final term and contains 6 pieces (lessons). Each year group will be taught appropriate to their age and developmental stage. This content will be taught by the class teacher. We will not teach beyond the remit of the year group. If questions are asked that the teacher feels are inappropriate or are beyond the content for that year group, the teacher may ask the child to ask their parent/carer,  or the teacher may acknowledge the question and explain that we will learn about that aspect at another time. 

Click on your year link to access the knowledge organisers for each year group. If you have any further queries or concerns, please speak to the class teacher. 


NSPCC - Listen up, Speak up

It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a community to keep children safe.

NSPCC encouraging every adult in the UK to take our 10-minute digital training* and learn how to listen up and speak up for children.

Listen up, Speak up will show you: 


We have been learning about all things that grow! We have been planting sunflowers, potatoes and tomatoes and seeing how they grow. We have also been learning about different minibeasts and how these small creatures can have a big impact on our environment. 

We are looking forward to seeing who can grow the tallest sunflower and making potato salad with the potatoes we have grown. 

Year 1

This term in Year 1 we have been exploring our school grounds identifying wild flowers. We have also been classifying trees as evergreen or deciduous. Our Seasons learning in Term 1 was also revisited. 

We drew some of the wildflowers we had collected and talked about the difference between wildflowers and garden flowers. 

We also looked inside some fruits at the variety of seeds they produce. 

Year 2

It has been an exciting few weeks of computing in Year 2. The children have been introduced to  the term ‘data’ and started to understand what data means. They have been collecting information in the form of a tally chart and they then progressed onto presenting data in the form of pictograms.

You might even want them to show you what they have learnt by exploring j2data at home.

Year 3

What a busy couple of weeks we have had in Year 3! 

Alongside all our usual learning, we have been on a school trip to Wakehurst. We were proper scientists in the lab (dissecting flowers) and observing them under a microscope, creating ephemeral art using natural materials and pollinator spotters in the gardens and wild meadows.

A big thank you to all the parent helpers who accompanied us on the trip; we couldn't have done it without you!

The following day, we had our class assembly. Everyone learnt their lines and performed them beautifully; we had some fun explaining how to weave to an alien, and teaching our adults how to make butter.

Year 4 

This term, Year 4 have begun work towards their John Muir Award. First we learned about the grassland habitat and specifically unimproved grassland meadows. We learned that our local Area of Natural Beauty, the High Weald, is very special because of the large proportion of unimproved grassland meadow habitats still in existence. 

We learned about some of the plants that might be found if the grassland is not improved and what animal species might be present too. 

We then completed the 'Discover' part of the award and went on a Welly Walk to our local area and thought about what makes the area special. We tried to identify the type of meadow we were walking through based on types of plants and landscape we saw. 

In the upcoming weeks, we are going to be considering biodiversity of our area and go on more welly walks in Term 6. 

Year 5

Year 5 have been learning how to map read over the last couple of weeks with Rachel Bennington, the Education Officer from the  High Weald team. The children were taught how to read an OS map and recognise what the symbols represented. They compared recent and old maps of the local area and discussed how the use of land had changed over time.

The children then created maps of the school ground and hid items for other groups to find using the map they had created. The children were enthusiastic and thoroughly engaged throughout the morning.

Following on from the map reading session, Year 5 went on a High Weald Hero Welly Walk. The aim of the walk was to learn how to use a map in a real life situation. The children had to learn how to read and follow a map on a three mile hike through fields and woods, whilst recognising areas of interest. They had a great time navigating their way through muddy fields and climbing over numerous stiles. We made it back to the school so map reading really works!

End of the walk.

Year 6

This term, Year 6 have worked incredibly hard in our final push towards SATs! The children have enjoyed completing Kahoot quizzes to revise and this got super competitive.

During SATs week, many of the children took advantage of the toast, cereal and juice provided at SATs breakfast. It was amazing to see how the children worked their socks off during each test! We couldn't be prouder of them if we tried. 

Amongst all of the SATs practice, the class have had some fun science lessons too. The topic has been 'The Circulatory System' and to learn about osmosis, the children conducted an experiment with gummy bears and different liquids.


Turtle Dove Campaign sign.

Last term the children were given the opportunity to enter a competition to draw artwork for a new sign. This sign was for a county wide campaign to save the turtle dove. 

The winners were revealed this term and all the children who won came from our school! 

Thomas Golby, part of the team at Grounds Maintance came and spoke to the children in assembly about the campaign and why the turtle dove needs our help. 

They plan to plant wildflowers in locations across East Sussex to help when the turtle doves come during the breeding season. 

The sign will be placed in those areas and has multiple functions including providing the public with information about the campaign but also those maintaining the area not to mow the wildflowers. 

Well done to all those who entered, Thomas said the team found it incredibly hard to choose from such a high standard of entries. 

Well done to Emilia, Freya and Pippa for your success in having your artwork chosen for the sign. 

More information can be found at this website Operation Turtle Dove https://www.operationturtledove.org/ who are working in conjunction with GM02.

Mrs A

Science Lead

Headteacher Awards     


William - amazing comprehension skills

Mila - for excellent ball skills in PE


Jasper L - showing resilience in phonics

Lyra - excellent understanding of arrays


Oliver S - for making great strides in his work, especially in his reading

Lenny - for making an improvement in his handwriting and the use of adjectives within his work.


Tabitha - for working so diligently in all areas of the curriculum. You are an inspiration!





Max -For demonstrating excellent skill and technique in swimming

Orla - For good reasoning skills in Maths

Albert- For demonstrating excellent map reading skills in Georgraphy


Joshua - displaying a mature attitude towards SATs revision

Hanna - incredible progress in English grammar, punctuation and spelling this year!

Year 6 - for an incredible effort during SATs week! You were amazing; you took everything in your stride and I am a very proud teacher

Citizenship Awards     


Lottie - for being a very kind member of the class

Ben - for becoming more confident when coming into school


Harley & Riley - for showing resilience when given a challenge 


Bennie for being responsible for both himself and others

Jessie for showing kindness to others


Harper - always showing tremendous resilience every day


Inika - 


Mathilda -for always being polite and respectful


Joey - for taking responsibility for himself and his learning

Daisy P - for always showing kindness to all of the adults

After-school clubs 

Please visit our website to see the clubs on offer for term 6.


Parent's Evening

Appointments can now be booked via your Arbor Parent Portal.


INSET DAYS:    24th May '24 

Term 5 

Tuesday 21st May Y1&2 Trip to Herstmonceux Observatory 

Thursday 23rd May- End of term- normal finish time

Term 6 Week 1

Monday 3rd June- KS2 Puberty Live Q&A with the School Nurse (Pupil-facing session for years 5 & 6)

Friday 7th June- Class Photos 

HCC head of year visit Y6

Term 6 Week 2

Wed 12th June Y5 Rye Watersports

Friday 14th June- Father's Day Sale

Term 6 Week 3

Tues 18th June Y5&6 HASP Olympics 

Thurs 20- Fri 21st Y4 Residential 

Thurs 20th R assembly to parents 9am 

Term 6 Week 4

Thurs 27th June- Sports Day - see timings below

Term 6 Week 5

Tues 2nd July- Talk to new parents 9am- Hall

Whole school transition day 

Wed 3rd July- Swimming Gala Y4,5 & 6 6-8pm

Term 6 Week 6

Tues 9th July- Y6 performance to parents

Wed 10th July- Y6 performance to parents

Thurs 11 July- Y6 Legoland 

Friday 12th July- FRIENDS Colour Run from 3pm

Term 6 Week 7

Tues 16th July Parents eve 15:30-18:00

Wed 17th July Parents eve 15:30-18:00

Thurs 18th Y5&6 Chartwells Workshop- Hall

Term 6 Week 8

Tues 23rd July finish at 13:30

9am Leavers' Assembly

11.15am Homework Exhibition in classrooms 

12.00 - 13.00 Family picnic 

13.15 -13.30 Children released from classrooms for an early finish 

There will be no Breakfast Club on Friday 12th July



10:30 am - 12:30 pm Years 3 to 6

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm - Picnic lunch 

Gino's Gelato Van 

1:30 pm -3 pm Years R to 2

All families are invited to watch and have a picnic lunch with the children!  


Archaeodiscovery Ltd

Website: www.archaeodiscovery.com

Email: archaeodiscovery@outlook.com 

Phone: 07706 761945


Saturday 18th May ROMAN DAY DIG SCHOOL 

Thursday 30th to Friday 31st May HALF TERM DIG SCHOOL

Saturday 8th June HALE  FARM EXCAVATION 

Saturday 29th June HALE  FARM EXCAVATION 

Saturday 6th July Friars Bay SUMMER WALK


4 day camp - Monday 29th July - Thursday 1st August 2024

3 day camp – Monday 19th August – Wednesday 21st August 2024

Booking is now open for Lewes Athletic Club Summer Camps for upper primary aged children to enjoy fun filled days of athletics. The camp is for children in Years 3 – 6. 

There will be the opportunity to Run, Jump and Throw. Each event is coached by the club’s qualified athletics coaches with the opportunity to partake in activities such as high jump, hurdles, discus, long jump, race walking, sprinting and many more.

A free Summer Camp t-shirts is included for everyone.

Activities take place from 10.00am to 3.00pm each day and take place at the Lewes Athletic Track, Mountfield Road, Lewes, BN7 2XG

Costs: £80 for the 4 day camp or £60 for the 3 day camp.

Booking on the Lewes Athletic Club website.


Maynards Green CP School - Newsletter 

'Growing the community one child at a time'