Maynards Green CP School 

'Growing the community one child at a time'


Dear Mums, Dads and Carers, 

Thank you to everyone who attended the parent/carer meetings with their children's class teachers last term. I hope you found the conversations useful and have a clear picture of where your children are in their learning and ways that you can support them to move on. On that note, I hope that you have all managed to log on to 'Boom Reader' and have found it a quick and easy way to record the times that you are reading with your child at home. Feedback on this reading app or any other homework your children receive is always welcome.

At the start of every school year the Governing body and leadership of the school consider our priorities for the coming year and revisit our school vision and mission statement to ensure they remain relevant to the school and our community.  We concluded that the current vision and mission statement whilst still applicable, were very long and have therefore slimmed them down into one simple sentence, which sums up our vision for the children of Maynards Green:


              For our children to have the confidence, skills and attitude to become responsible citizens who can achieve their potential


Finally, I would like to say a huge thank you to Lucie Watts, who will be resigning from the role of Chair to the FRIENDS of Maynards Green at Christmas. I am sure you will agree, she has been a driving force within the FRIENDS and helped to raise a substantial amount of money for the school, including for the swimming pool, as well as being instrumental in arranging so many fun events for the children over the last few years. Whilst, she will be stepping down from her involvement in this aspect of the school, I am assured that she will continue to support Maynards Green as a volunteer in school, reading with children, supporting our enrichment activities etc. On behalf of all the children, staff and parents of the school, thank you Lucie for all you have done for us.

Kind regards

Karen Cromwell


Gentle Reminders

Term time holidays

I appreciate that there are occasions when you may consider it preferable to take your child or children out of school for a holiday during term time. However, Government guidance means that, as a head teacher, I am not able to authorise any requests for children to be taken out of school unless there are exceptional circumstances and family holidays do not fall into this category. As a consequence absences for holidays will be classed as unauthorised and may incur a Penalty Notice from East Sussex. For more information please follow the link below:

East Sussex County Council Penalty Notices 

Appropriate Clothing

Scandinavian countries have a saying 'There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing'. Some of you may disagree with the 'bad weather' bit but I am sure you agree that appropriate clothing does make a difference. As we are now well into November, and it is getting colder and wetter, please ensure your child comes to school each day with appropriate (named) outdoor clothing i.e. waterproof coat, hat and appropriate footwear. If your child wears wellies to school, please also send indoor shoes for them to change in to. Whenever possible we will also have PE lessons outside, so children need dark coloured tracksuit/ leggings and jumper on PE days.

Safeguarding Update

United Against Bullying School Status 

As you will have seen in previous newsletters, Maynards Green CP school is taking part in the United Against Bullying anti-bullying programme provided by the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA). As part of of this, classes and teachers have selected Anti-Bullying Champions to support me in ensuring that our school continues to have a culture that ensures bullying is not tolerated.

In our first meeting, we decided what everyone's roles would be, what needed to be put into our new Anti-Bullying policy and what the Anti-Bullying Champion's (ABCs) jobs would be moving forward.

The ABCs then gave feedback on our discussion to their classes and then had particular questions they needed their class's view on before our next meeting. 

Watch out in our next newsletter on the outcome of who children should report bullying to, how they should report it and what we are going to be using our new ' Crooked Teds'  to support anti-bullying. 

Come to School wearing your odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique!

Anti-Bullying week 

Every class will be taking part with a range of activities and assemblies throughout next week to raise awareness of bullying. 


Anti-Bullying Week is an annual UK event, held in the

third week in November which aims to raise awareness

of bullying of children and young people, in schools

and elsewhere, and to highlight ways of preventing and

responding to it. It started in 2002 and has since grown

to become a significant event in the calendars of children,

families and schools with an estimated


We have started this term off with a bang! We have been looking at different celebrations and how people celebrate differently. We have learnt about Halloween, Bonfire night and Remembrance Day. We have also be learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali. We have been reenacting the story of Rama and Sita and learning about some Diwali traditions. We finished off this week by celebrating Miss Evison's birthday. Happy birthday Miss Evison! 

Year 1

In year one we have been talking about what makes a good friend. We discussed the qualities we would like to see in a friend and what we wouldn't like to see. We then sorted these into good and bad choices and got to explain why we thought that. We have been discussing similarities and differences between us and our friends. We've been creating our own paper gingerbread men for PSHE and we have been loving it! 

Year 2

In year 2 we have been exploring London in our geography lessons. We are using our prior knowledge to be able to identify where London is located in the world, which continent it is in and all of the famous land marks that feature there.  

We have been working in groups to share and write down facts about London and we were so proud, we shared our writing to the whole class!


Year 3

In Year 3, we have been continuing our learning about the Romans in Britain. This week, we had Rachel from High Weald Heroes visit us to tell us all about the Roman settlements in the locality. We learnt that this area is rich in iron and this was one of the main reasons for the Roman invasion; iron was a very useful commodity for the Roman Empire for weapons.

We also looked at some Roman artefacts and decided what they might be used for: can you guess?

Lastly, we made clay models of either a bloomery (a furnace for smelting iron) or a milestone, complete with Roman numerals to tell us how far to travel. 

Roman artefacts

Year 4

In Year 4 we are continuing to learn about the Ancient Egyptians and their achievements. To learn about their achievements in writing, we talked about the role of the scribes. We created our own tableau of the Papyrus of Ani from the Book of the Dead and re-created Ani's journey to the afterlife.

We then annotated another scroll - Papyrus of  Hunefer to show what we had learned through our drama. 

Year 5

In Year 5 we are continuing to learn about the rise and fall of the Ancient Greek Empire. The children enjoyed researching Alexander the Great and wrote a biography about his life. In other areas of learning, Year 5 have been discussing how we celebrate differences. An activity they particularly enjoyed, was creating a poster about diversity.


Sporting News: On Monday 6th November, children from Years 5 & 6, took part in the Heathfield Area Football Tournament. After two cancellations due to adverse weather, the children finally got to play. It was a wet and extremely muddy affair, but the team showed great determination and improved with every game. Maynards Green came 3rd overall.

Well done to you all and a big thank you to Mr Creasey for supporting and coaching the team on the day.

Year 6

Year 6 have been practising their sketching skills in art (linked to our dragons topic)! We used different sketching pencils to work on shading and then tried out different techniques, using a tissue to blend rather than our fingers. After that, we applied these skills to recreate a picture of a dragon. Miss Francis gave the class the extra challenge of having no rubbers during this art lesson, which really tested everyone's resilience. 

Lilly said, "Having no rubbers was much better as you would not be continuously rubbing out and restarting. You would have to make your mistake into the rest of your drawing (blending it in).

In maths, we have been working on factors and multiples to prepare for our work on multiplication and division. To understand the difference between factors and multiples, we learned how to draw 'factor bugs' to generate factors of a number. The children found these useful and have been much more confident at finding factors of a number.

Daisy said, "Factor bugs were easy once you got the hang of them -- it's a helpful way to find factor pairs." 

Jackson added, "Factor bugs are a great way of learning factors and having fun at the same time!"

Science around the school

Year 1: We have been looking at objects and the materials they are made from. Here is a close up image of an everyday object, the children had to try describe it and decide what it could have been..... it was in fact a wooly hat!

Year 2: We have been learning about uses of material in Science and how they can be made stronger in bridges by using triangles.

Year 3 : Ellyn Reeves, a Nutritionist from Chartwells, came and spoke to the children about the different food groups and the importance of eating a balanced diet. They then enjoyed making their own rainbow wrap selecting a rainbow of colours from the choice of items on offer!

Year 4 : We have been looking at a range of habitats and sorting animals into the correct one whilst also finding out about how they adapt to their habitats.

Year 5: We have been learning about the Solar system and the children have enjoyed using chromebooks to research the different planets to create a presentation. 

Year 6: There aren't many lessons where crawling under the table are necessary but getting in a dark space to test surfaces with a light reflector catcher is one of them!

If your child carries on their science learning at home I'd love to hear about it so please email me:

Mrs A 

Science Lead

Does your child want to be a Nature Champion?

They need to apply to Mrs A by Thursday 23rd November.

We plan to have 2 children from Years1 -6 be part of a committee to help promote and protect nature in our school and beyond!

Hand your application to me or email me on

Apply for a role on the Nature Champions committee

Nurture Group 

During our Nurture Groups this term the children have been continuing to focus on social and communication skills. We are going to trial mixing the Upper Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 1 groups for the remainder of the term to enable our Key Stage pupils to take on mentor roles. 

Wellbeing area 

 Wellbeing is important to us at Maynards Green so we have established a wellbeing area in school which is on the right of the double doors as you go towards the Key Stage 2 classrooms. There are comfy cushions and bean bags as well as mindful colouring, a positive poetry book, play dough and fidget toys. 

This area is available for all children if and when they should need it.

Mrs Jones SENCo

SEND Information

The East Sussex Local Offer consists of:

An information site that outlines how different SEND processes work:

A SEND-specific directory, listing both local and online services:

Mrs Jones SENCo

A reminder about i-go which is a register and FREE leisure discount card. It is for people 0-25 with additional needs living or studying in East Sussex. Apply here


CLASS+ regularly offer sessions for parents and carers of an autistic child or a child who is on the autism pathway to listen, share questions, ideas and experiences with other parents and carers.

You do not need to book to attend these events, you just need to turn up. We kindly ask that you don’t bring small children to these sessions.

·      Wednesday 8 November 2023 at Sidley Family Hub, 121 Ninfield Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, TN39 5BD from 9:30am to 11:00am

·       Thursday 9 November 2023 at Silverdale Primary Academy, Perth Road, Hastings, St. Leonards-on-Sea, TN37 7EA from 2:00pm to  3:00pm

·       Tuesday 14 November 2023 at East Hoathly Church, Marks Lane, East Hoathly, Lewes, BN8 6EQ from 9:00am to 10:30am

·       Thursday 16 November 2023 at Chailey St Peters Church of England Primary School, East Grinstead Road, North Chailey, Lewes, BN8 4DB from 9:00am to 10:30am

·       Wednesday 29 November 2023 at St Mary the Virgin Church of England Primary School, High Street, Hartfield, TN7 4AA from 9:00am to 10:30am

·       Thursday 30 November 2023 at Laughton Community Primary School, Church Lane, Laughton, Lewes, BN8 6AH from 9:00am to 10:30am

·       Tuesday 5 December 2023 at Hailsham Family Hub, Hailsham East Community Centre, Vega Close, Hailsham, BN27 2JZ from 1:00pm to 2:30pm

·       Wednesday 6 December 2023 at Breakwater Academy, Valley Road, Newhaven, BN9 9UT from 9:00am to 10:30am

·       Thursday 7 December 2023 at Sidley Family Hub, 121 Ninfield Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, TN39 5BD from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. This session is for Dads and male relatives such as   Grandads.

School Council

The second School Council meeting took place on Thursday, 9th November. We reviewed our actions from the last meeting and discussed our fundraising efforts for next week's Children in Need day. The Class Representatives hang the posters around the classrooms and in the school corridors to remind their friends of the 'Bearpee' challenge and to wear something spotty on Thursday, 16th November. 

The Parent Pay link for the £1 donations is still active so please use it to donate money to this great cause. Donate here 

Mrs Holton - School Council Teacher Representative

Headteacher Awards     


Myles - excellent work in number

Tess - for excellent work describing shapes


Riley - for always being kind to his friends. 

Austin - for being respectful to his peers and his teachers. 


Emilia - for her amazing focus during her Maths test (29/10/23)

Kaiser - for improved focus since getting his glasses

Joshua - for explaining his method in his maths book


Edward - for a fantastic approach to all his learning, particularly in English.

Barney - for working so hard in maths and using place value resources accurately to support his learning.


Ben and Noah - for their fantastic partner work in History

Coby - for his attitude and commitment toward improving his handwriting


Constance - for working extremely hard on her poem based on the boxer Nicola Adams

Tony Mazzone - For working incredibly hard on his handwriting


Jackson - for excellent progress in all areas of reading!

Jamie - for fantastic independent learning in maths.

Citizenship Awards     


Oscar W - for always coming to school with a positive attitude to learning

Sophie - for being a very kind and friendly member of the class


Oden - for helping his friends with their work and for amazing acting during English lessons.

George L - for amazing work on his number bonds within 10.


Ember - for resilience and great listening.


Belle - for approaching all her work with a positive attitude

Alice - for quietly helping around the classroom and taking on extra responsibilities reliably.


Ruby - for showing great positivity despite her injured leg

Henry, John and Ava - for showing kindness and concern for a friend


Matilda and Montgomery- for showing great positivity on their first day of school

Rupert - for being a kind and supportive friend


Hanna - for embodying our school values.

Peony - for taking her roles and responsibilities as Head Girl very seriously. 

Dates for your Diary

Term 2

Monday 13th November- Anti-Bullying Week 

Odd Socks Day

Tuesday 14th November - 14:30 - Open afternoon for prospective students

Thursday 16th November - Children in Need - Wear something spotty for £1

Friday 17th November - Individual photos - Profile Photography

Tuesday 21st November - Positive Dog Training Talks and Assembly 

Wednesday 22nd November- Year 4 Visitor  - Gerard Thraves 

Friday 24th November - 9am - Open morning for prospective students 

Tuesday 28th November- FRIENDS Movie Night - 15:30-17:00

Tuesday 5th December - Governing Body meeting 2

Thursday 7th December - Y1, 2 and 3 Christmas play - Performances at 9:30am and 14:00

Friday 8th December- FRIENDS wreath making 18:00-20:30

Tuesday 12th December - Reception Nativity- Performances at 9:30am and 14:15 

Wednesday 13th December - School Christmas day - Christmas Fair, Jumper and Lunch

Thursday 14th December - Y4, 5 & 6 Carol Concert to parents - 14:30 

Friday 15th December - last day of term - 13:30 finish

🎄 Christmas Lunch Menu 🎄

Wednesday 13th December 


Roast Turkey with Pig in Blanket


Roasted Vegetable & Cranberry Slice (v)


Roast Potatoes




Festive Shortbread 


Fresh Fruit

Messages from The School Office

We are currently trialling Google Calendar for Parents. You will be able to see all events taking place each week and also add the calendar to your own!

Please follow this link: Maynards Green Calendar 

East Sussex Young Carers November Newsletter

East Sussex Young Carers (ESYC) is a countywide service for those residing in East Sussex aged 5-18yrs who are providing a form of care, supervision or support to a family member with: a long-term illness, disability including SEN, mental health illness or substance misuse issue.

The Friends of Maynards Green School

Movie Night 

We are hosting a movie night on Tuesday 28th November 2023 🍿 

This will be held in each year groups own classroom with their teacher & parent helpers. 

The movie will start at 3 pm and will run through until 4.30pm, when children are to be collected by parents/carers from their classes as normal. 

Tickets are £2 per child -please pay via ParentPay

This includes a packet of Pom Bear Crisps & Mini Cadbury Buttons (suitable alternatives for those with dietary requirements will be provided).

 Children will have their water bottles refreshed for the movie  🎬

If your child is not attending this event, parents and carers are to collect their child from the school office at the normal time. 

Christmas Wreath Making

The Friends are excited to announce, our  Christmas wreath making evening is back again this year.

Friday 8th December 6-8.30pm Maynards Green School hall. 

Tickets will be available to purchase through parent pay. And will be £25 per person. There are a limited amount of tickets available.

 If friends or family without parent pay would like to purchase a ticket they can do so by contacting Lynsey directly to arrange this. (07840222107)

We will be holding an early bird offer from the 6th - the 13th of November where tickets sold within this time will be available for £20 per person. The full price will resume after this.

All materials will be provided, however, please bring your own secateurs. You are most welcome to bring any alternative decorations you would like to include on your own wreath.

By purchasing your ticket, you agree to listen to safety instructions, and agree that you are responsible for yourself, and your own safety at this event.

Please bring protective gloves if you have sensitive skin.

Many thanks,

 The Friends of Maynards Green School

Maynards Green CP School - Newsletter 

'Growing the community, one child at a time'