Maybury News
Believe. Achieve. Succeed.
Issue 1
September 2023
A message from Mrs Merritt
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope this letter finds you well and that you have enjoyed a restful and enjoyable summer break. As we embark on a new term, I would like to welcome back our children as well as our new families that have joined our school community.
I am delighted to share that our children have settled well into their new classes, embracing the challenges and opportunities of the exciting curriculum we have to offer. Looking ahead, we have an array of exciting learning opportunities planned for this term. Our aim is to not only broaden our children's' knowledge and understanding but also to develop their skills and inspire a lifelong love for learning, we have an exciting year ahead planned.
I would like to thank all the parents and carers who took the time to attend the class welcome meeting. Your active involvement in your child's education is invaluable, and it sets a powerful example for our young learners. Your support truly makes a difference.
I am proud to share that our year 6 prefects had the privilege of attending the recent Woking Aldi opening event. This experience allowed them to engage with influential members of our community. Our children then had the privilege of attending an inspiring assembly led by Rebecca Adlington and Tanni Grey-Thompson. Their motivational words and personal stories left a lasting impact on our children, encouraging them to pursue their dreams relentlessly and overcome any obstacles that come their way.
Sea Turtles class had an enriching trip to the Synagogue, exploring the cultural and religious aspects of our multicultural society. Such educational visits provide our students with first-hand experiences that enhance their understanding and appreciation of diversity.
A gentle reminder that the school day starts promptly at 8:40 am. It is crucial for our children's progress that they arrive on time, ready and prepared to engage in their learning to make the most of every opportunity afforded to them. The gates are open 8:35-8:45.
I would also take this opportunity to remind parents of our uniform policy. Hair accessories should be minimal and in line with our school colours. Earrings should not be worn to school. Please ensure that your child wears black shoes, trainers are not acceptable unless it is a designated PE day.
Lastly, I would like to inform you that our Harvest festival assembly will take place on Monday, 2nd October. We kindly request any donations you can make to support this event. Contributions collected during the festival will be distributed to the local food bank, ensuring that we not only nurture our children's empathy but also provide for those in need.
Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation. Together, we can make this term a rewarding and successful one for our children.
For those of you who didn't see our OFTSED report earlier this month please click here to view.
We are extremely proud to be a ‘Good’ School overall with ‘Outstanding’ judgments in Early Years Foundation Stage, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes. It is important to note that it is now far harder for a school to be graded ‘Outstanding’ than it used to be, under the new Ofsted framework. Very few schools locally have been awarded any Outstanding judgements, and we have been awarded three out of five, which is an amazing achievement and testament to our team and community.
The report captures how much the children “adore their school,” and recognises that “children have an outstanding start to their education in the early years” and that we “provide pupils with an exceptional personal development programme” and highlights that “leaders have created an ambitious curriculum”.
I would like to say a huge thank you to all the staff for their incredible commitment and dedication in making our school such a success, and a place where “pupils flourish”.
I would also like to thank you, as parents and carers, for supporting us during the inspection, as well as every other day. We are so pleased they recognised that “Maybury Primary is at the heart of the community”, which we are so proud to serve and be a part of.
Mrs Merritt
Attendance from 4th September to 28th September 2023
Remember it is vital that your child comes to school every day unless they are unwell, there is some useful guidance from the NHS about when you should or shouldn't send your child to school which can be found here . Please see chart below that shows attendance for this term so far for each class:
Early Years Foundation Stage Update
Rainbow Fish
A big warm welcome to our new and returning children. The first weeks of term have been helping the children settle in to a new environment and make new friends. We have spent time learning how to tidy up and getting into a routine of sitting down on the carpet for stories/singing/circle time. We are so proud of how Rainbow fish Class is doing so far!
A gentle reminder to please ensure your child has their name written on their school jumper/cardigan, school bag, water bottle and coats. This is to ensure that children do not get their items mixed up. Thank you.
Welcome back and welcome to our new children and families. The children in Starfish Class are settling in very well to life at school, exploring their new classroom and garden, learning our new routines, making new friends and developing their listening skills.
The children have adapted to having lunch at school really well, trying new foods and trying to use their knives and forks. I have never seen so many clean plates!
Please ensure that your child comes to school with a water bottle, their school book bag and a coat, as we never know when it might rain. Thank you.
See photos of our happy children in Starfish Class.
Key Stage 1 Update
The children have settled in well to Seahorses Class. They have been getting used to being with each other again, taking turns and sharing. We have spent the first few days of term learning new routines and exploring the classroom and outdoor area.
We loved using the Chrome books for the first time . We learnt how to log on to Google classroom and used a digital painting app to explore making marks on a screen. Some of us even managed to create our own picture.
We have had a busy start to Year 2 in Jellyfish! All of the children have settled in really well and have been doing lots of lovely learning.
For maths, we have been practising using our place value knowledge to solve different problems. We have used base 10 to show how numbers are made up of tens and ones and then have used part-part-whole models to show this too.
In Literacy, we have been reading Hairy Maclary and the Rumpus at the vets. We used ideas from this story to write our own about different animals we might see at the vets and then a new story about a rumpus at the zoo or farmyard. Out focus has been on using lots of different adjectives so we have had lots of lessons thinking of as many as we can for each of the animals in our stories.
For our Computing learning, we are looking at what IT is and where it can be found. We also used google classroom to complete some sorting activities where we needed to resize some pictures before sorting them into what we use them for.
Key Stage 2 Update
Manta Rays
The children have settled into Manta Rays class really well and have been enjoying starting to learn about the Ancient Egyptians. They have been looking at ancient Egyptian artefacts and finding out about what life was like in ancient Egypt 4000 years ago!
In Literacy, we are using the text, ‘There’s a Pharaoh in our Bath!’ and we are using a variety of adverbs in writing. The children are excited that they can start using a pen to write with in Year 3!
In Science, we are learning about healthy eating and bones.
In Maths, we are learning about place value and how to represent 2 and 3-digit numbers in different ways.
The children are showing great team work skills in PE and are learning different skills in Netball.
Wow! What a great start to Year 4! The children have started angelfish class giving 100% effort everyday! We have reminded ourselves of our school values and have been ensuring that everyone is happy in our calm classroom.
In Literacy, We have been using ‘Where the wild things are’ as our stimulus to create our own ‘wild’ stories with interesting settings. We have been reminded of expanded noun phrases and adventurous vocabulary.
In Maths, We have been learning about place value, focussing on rounding, ordering and comparing numbers up to 10,000.
Ancient Greece is our focus this half term. We have been using sketching skills in Art linked to Greek theatre masks and we have been archaeologists in History finding artefacts.
Last week, We had a special visit from Chertsey Museum to show us some special artefacts.
Sea Turtles
The children have settled in to Sea Turtles well, we spent our first week together learning all about Sea Turtles and creating some art for our display in the corridor.
Just as a reminder, Home learning needs to be uploaded to google classroom, if you are struggling to access this, please come and see me or email on our class email:
In literacy we have been writing folk tales which have alternative endings,. We read ‘The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig’ we spoke about the differences between the original and enjoyed the added humour in the story. During week 1 we rewrote the tale, in week 2 we changed our characters and the materials which the houses were built from and in week 3 we wrote our own folk tales.
In art we have been looking at the blob tree by Pip Wilson, we looked at the different emotions each blob was showing and created our own emotions. In our second lesson we experimented with different materials using, metal, wire and playdough to decide which one we thought was most suitable for our sculptures.
The children have settled in well and are adjusting to a busy start to Year 6. Please remind your children to complete their reading and home learning daily and return it to school for marking.
We began the year learning about our class sea creature, the dolphin. The children researched them and found lots of fun facts to create a fact file. The children also chose their own medium to create dolphins pictures. They are on display in the corridor and the cloakroom.
Our prefects had a very important job this month; they opened the new Aldi store and we had an inspirational assembly from a gold medal winning Olympian and Paralympian! Aldi also donated fresh fruit to the school so the children enjoyed a very yummy fruit bar!
In Literacy we are reading ‘Pig Heart Boy’ as our class text, it is about a young boy who has a failing heart and he is faced with the prospect of having a pig heart transplant! We have been writing diary entries and debating for and against the use of animal organs in transplants. This book links well with our Science topic which is all about the circulatory system, last week we made our own blood and learnt about the different parts that make it up, it was lots of fun!
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School Dinners
We are delighted to introduce our new chef, Chef Maisy, who brings a wealth of experience and culinary expertise to our kitchen.
Chef Maisy is passionate about creating delicious and nutritious meals for our children. She believes in the importance of providing them with balanced and wholesome food to fuel their bodies and minds. With her expertise, we are confident that our students will enjoy a varied and healthy menu.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that lunches are currently free for Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 students under the government's Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme. For children in Years 3 to 6, the cost of a school lunch is £2.90 per day. We would appreciate it if you could ensure that your child has sufficient funds in their lunch account.
We highly encourage you to take advantage of Chef Maisy's expertise and give the school lunches a try. While we understand that some parents may prefer to prepare packed lunches for their children, we truly believe that the school meals offer a range of benefits that promote healthy eating habits and a sense of community within the school.
A gentle reminder of the uniform policy:
In addition to the above no extreme hairstyles are permitted including overly spiked, sculptured, shaved areas and razor lines/pictures. If in doubt, please ask before a visit to the hairdresser/barbers.
All hair bands/ clips/ bows must be plain and in school colours only which are black, white, navy or sky blue, grey, or matching the school summer dresses.
A gentle reminder earrings are not permitted.
Lastly, a reminder that all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 should only have bookbags not rucksacks in school.
Spare Clothes
If your child has recently borrowed spare clothing from school, in particular children in Reception class, year 1 and year 2 please can we ask that these are returned. We have a washing machine onsite so you can be assured that any items returned are washed as needed.
We are also looking for donations of spare clothing such as underwear, leggings, jogging bottoms in small sizes such as ages 4 - 8. Please either hand into the office or to the class teacher. Thank you for your support.
Year 6 Parents/Carers - Secondary School Admissions
A reminder to all year 6 parents to register your child's Year 7 school placement. Deadline is 31st October 2023 via Surrey County Council's website. Please also see information below:
Harvest Festival
It is Harvest time at Maybury and we have been thinking of ways we can celebrate and help our local community. As part of our Harvest celebration we are going to be collecting food for our local food bank which supports families in Woking. This food bank is part of the Trussell Trust food bank project. These food banks are helping thousands of families across the country and in our community during these difficult times.
How it works:
It’s easy to help all you have to do is bring in a donation. It can be any of these items:
· Any tinned foods
· Tinned puddings (rice pudding)
· Jars of cooking sauce
· Dry pastas
· Rice
· Cereals
· Fruit juice
· UHT milk
· Jam
· Tea bags
· Instant coffee
· Biscuits
We are asking each child to bring in one item on Monday 2nd October to add to our school collection during our whole school assembly and then we will take all of the donations to the Woking Food Bank.
To find out more about how your donation will help our community take a look at the Woking Food Bank website at
I hope you can help us with our collection, your support will be greatly appreciated!
Fixed Term Penalty Notice
We are aware that the pandemic has had an effect on families, but the expectation is still that every child should now be attending school full time. If you consider that there are exceptional circumstances relating to your request, please let the school have full details. Each application for a leave of absence will be considered on a case by case basis.
Penalty Notices to Address Poor Attendance at School
A Penalty Notice may be issued as an alternative to the prosecution of a parent/carer for their child’s unauthorised absence from school (absence without the agreement of the school or not covered by a medical note) and will be used by Surrey County Council in the following circumstances :-
1. Pupils identified by police and Inclusion Officers (formerly Education Welfare Officers) engaged on Truancy Patrols and who have incurred unauthorised absences.
2. Leave of absence in term time (5 days or 10 sessions or more).
Please be aware that The Education (Pupil Registration)(England)(Amendment) Regulations 2013, which became law on 1st September 2013 state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
The Headteacher is also required to determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if leave is granted.
In such cases the Headteacher/Governing Body must decide whether there are exceptional circumstances. They may request that the Local Authority issue Penalty Notices when the absence is not authorised.
Warnings will not be given where it can be shown that parents have been notified that such absences will not be authorised.
3. Finally, the issuing of a Penalty Notice will also be considered where it is judged that a parent is failing to ensure their child's regular school attendance.
This will be considered when a pupil has incurred 7 or more unauthorised sessions in the previous 6 school weeks, which may include a pupil arriving late after close of registration.
If you believe at any stage that your child’s absence from school may leave you liable to receive a Penalty Notice, it is extremely important that you act without delay to secure their regular attendance.
If you have any questions or require further support to achieve an improvement in your child’s attendance, please contact your child’s school or the Inclusion Officer.
Penalty Notice relating to Exclusions
If a child is excluded from school, Section 103 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 places a duty on parents/carers to ensure that their child is not in a public place without justifiable cause during school hours.
This duty applies to the first five days of each exclusion. Failure to do so will render the parent/carer liable to a Penalty Notice. (Alternative education provision will be made available from the sixth day of any exclusion.)
Amount Payable for a Penalty Notice
The amount payable for a Penalty Notice issued in any of the above circumstances is currently £60 if paid within 21 days of receipt of the Notice, rising to £120 if paid after 21 days but within 28 days.
If the Penalty Notice is not paid, the local Authority must consider a prosecution in the Magistrates Court for the offence for which the Notice was originally issued.
Please be aware that each parent is liable to receive a Penalty Notice for each child who incurs unauthorised absences, for example, if there are two parents and one child, each parent will receive one Penalty Notice.
If there are two parents, and two children incur unauthorised absences, each parent will receive two Penalty Notices, which in this case would amount to £120 each if paid within 21 days.
Advice and support is available from an Inclusion Officer by contacting your local Education Office as follows :-
North West - Tel: 01483 518130 South West - Tel: 01483 517179
North East - Tel: 01372 833588 South East - Tel: 01737 737777
PE Timetable
Please see below for PE days for the Autumn Term
The children will need to wear their correct PE kit on their PE day. Correct PE kit consists of:
· Sky blue Maybury t-shirt
· Navy blue or black hooded jacket
· Navy blue or black jogging bottoms
Trainers (only lace up if your child can tie their own laces please)
Maybury Heroes
It's nice to be nice and if a member of Maybury Primary staff made you smile then let us know and we will pass on your comments to them. It can be for absolutely anyone in school and for any reason - we'd just like to know! Maybe someone in the office was super helpful, someone made your child smile, your class teacher or support staff went the extra mile, or you were helped by the Home school Link Worker, Inclusion Leader or Senior Leadership Team or you just want to say thankyou. Please click on the link and fill out the form it will take you to, then just add in the information about the Maybury Hero. We will share these nominations with staff each week in our staff meeting!
The form can be found here: Maybury Heroes Form
Online Safety Guides
Useful Dates - Autumn 2023
Please bear in mind that all of these dates are subject to change
Term Dates 2023/24
Autumn Term 2023
1st September 2023 to 15th December 2023
Half Term 23rd October 2023—3rd November 2023
(Please note October half term will be for 2 weeks)
Spring Term 2024
2nd January 2024 to 28th March 2024
Half Term 12th February 2024—16th February 2024
Summer Term 2024
15th April 2024 to 23rd July 2024
Half Term 27th May 2024 - 31st May 2024
INSET Days (School closed for training)
Friday 1st September 2023
Thursday 28th March 2024
Friday 24th May 2024
Monday 22nd July 2024
Tuesday 23rd July 2024
Our Values - Autumn Term
This half term’s value is Equality. Through this value children explore their own and others individual needs and identifies. Children will talk about how everyone should have an equal chance to reach their potential regardless of characteristics such as gender, race, religion or disability. At home you can:
Talk about your child's unique qualities and those that they share with other family members and friends.
Encourage an environment where they can celebrate their differences.
Research the lives of famous civil rights activities such as Harriet Tubman, Jesse Owens or Malala Yousafzai.
Books you could share at home
Early Years
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
This half term’s value is Resilience, the ability to bounce back after hard times or disappointment. Resilience develops when children experience challenges and learn to deal with them positively. You can support children to become resilient by:
Sharing stories of your own setbacks and how you overcame them.
Praising children’s efforts when they keep trying.
Encourage them to try new activities.
As a parent, it can be difficult to watch your child struggle, but it important that they solve problems themselves. You are their greatest cheerleader!
Books you could share at home
Early Years
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2