Maybury News
Believe. Achieve. Succeed.
Issue 2
October 2023
A message from Mrs Merritt
Welcome to our October Newsletter. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the generous donations received during the recent harvest festival. The contributions were gladly received by the Woking Food Bank, and they will undoubtedly make a real difference to those in need within our local community. To ensure our children understood the impact of their donations, we held an assembly where we explained where the items were going and how they will help others. We are proud of the empathy and kindness shown by our children.
We had our annual International Week celebration at school this week, where children had the opportunity to learn about various countries around the world. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents who attended our international food event, contributing to the vibrant and diverse atmosphere and enhancing our children's global awareness.
Jellyfish class recently had a fantastic trip to Brooklands Museum, which was linked to their current transport topic. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and gained invaluable knowledge related to this subject. Angelfish had an exciting Greek workshop with Mr. Dilly, where they delved into Greek life and further enriched their understanding of ancient civilizations.
This half term, our value has been Equality. Our aim is to ensure that our children grasp the importance of equality in all aspects of life. At Maybury, we strive to ensure our children understand that: There are no outsiders at Maybury. Everyone is different. We celebrate difference. We are all equal in our difference. Looking ahead to next term, our value will be Resilience. Resilience is an essential skill, particularly during challenging times. I encourage you to have conversations with your child at home about developing resilience and fostering a growth mindset.
Parents/carers of children in Year 6 are reminded to submit their secondary school applications by 31st October 2023. Parents/carers of children starting Reception in September 2024 must apply for a place, applications open on 30th October 2023 and the deadline on 15th January 2024. It is important to note that attendance at our Nursery does not automatically entitle your child to a school place at Maybury, so we kindly ask all parents to complete the application process via Surrey Admissions.
A gentle reminder to parents of children in Years 3-6: please ensure that school dinner payments of £14.50 per week are made by Monday morning to ensure the smooth running of our catering services.
To facilitate effective communication between parents and teachers, our parent-teacher meetings will be held in person in the school hall during the week commencing 6th November. Please sign up for a meeting slot via Scopay to discuss your child's progress and any concerns you may have. It is really important you attend this meeting.
Finally, I would like to remind you that we will be having a two-week half term break, School closes at 3:15pm on Friday 20th October and reopens on Monday 6th November at 8:40am. It is important that children arrive promptly at the gates at 8:35 am to ensure they do not miss vital learning.
Sadly Mrs Knight has left as Angelfish class teacher, after half term their new teacher Ms Elphick will take over.
We wish everyone a restful and enjoyable break, and we look forward to welcoming the children back to school refreshed and ready for the second half of the term.
Mrs Merritt
Attendance from 4th September to 20th October 2023
Remember it is vital that your child comes to school every day unless they are unwell, there is some useful guidance from the NHS about when you should or shouldn't send your child to school which can be found here . Please see chart below that shows attendance for this term so far for each class:
Early Years Foundation Stage Update
Rainbow Fish
Wow! What a wonderful term we have had in Rainbow Fish! The children have all settled so well and we are so proud of them all! We have had lots of fun listening to stories, singing song, making and building. We have been enjoying stories about Spot the Dog. The children have loved talking about how Spot’s Nursery is like ours and thinking about what we might have at our own birthday party. We have been busy shopping in our role play thinking about what we might need for dinner! We also took part in the International food event here at Maybury. We chose to represent Pakistan and made delicious barfi with the children!
Please remember as the weather turns colder to send your child in with coat, making sure it is named. It does make reuniting it with your child easier. Thank you for all your support and we hope you have a lovely half term!
The children in Starfish are really enjoying their phonics learning and are excited every morning to find out what sound they are learning each day. The children have enjoyed practising their sounds as they play in our school role play being the teacher.
In maths, we have introduced the children to subitising, an essential maths skill for developing composition of number. The children use their 'fast eyes' to say the amount of objects/dots they see, they don't count and also represent each amount on their fingers. We say the phrase ‘Fast eyes, don’t count, say the amount!’
The children are really enjoying taking turns on our interactive whiteboard, where they are learning to play games and draw by clicking on icons to make things happen.
Starfish are also learning to look after our garden and know they have to water the plants to help them grow bigger.
Key Stage 1 Update
In Geography lessons we have been learning about our local area and the physical and human features we find in Woking. We enjoyed going on a local area walk into Woking. We visited the alien, Christchurch, the library and the train station. We saw different shops, restaurants, cafes, banks and estate agents We looked at all different housing types and then went to Boundary Park. We had great fun playing with our friends.
In our Science lessons we have been learning about animals including humans. This week we learnt about our 5 different senses and did experiments using them. The children loved smelling and tasting different foods.
Jellyfish class have had an exciting month this month. We went on a school trip to Brooklands museum and got to see the race track that we have been learning about in History. We saw some of the old racing cars and motorbikes there and some of us even got to sit in a motorbike side car! We also saw some Wellington Bombers that were built in the race track buildings during World War Two. We finished off our topic by writing a recount of the day and the children remembered so many wonderful facts!
In maths, we have been learning about money. We identified the coins and used them to make different amounts.
To start off our learning for International week, we have been looking at lots of German cities, castles and art. We decorated our own wooden hearts, following similar patterns that we have seen in the German examples.
Key Stage 2 Update
Manta Rays
We have been enjoying learning about the Ancient Egyptians this half term and have written some excellent non-chronological reports about human and physical features of Ancient Egypt.
In Art, we have been learning how to draw a 3D pyramid and add shading and tone to create a realistic images. The children completed their final unique piece this week and they look amazing!
In Science, we have been learning about bones and skeletons and the children made their own model to explain how the muscles in our arms work.
In History, we have been learning about how important the River Nile was in Ancient Egyptian times, and how Egypt wouldn’t have existed without it. We have learnt about some of the hundreds of gods and goddesses that were worshipped and that many of them had the head of an animal.
The children had a go at writing the god or goddess name in hieroglyphic s using the Ancient Egyptian writing code. The symbols are much trickier to write than our letters!
This week it is International Week and our class have been learning about Italy. We made pizzas to sell at the food event and welcomed a visitor into our class to teach us some Italian. We are able to find Italy on a map and discuss some of the Italian landmarks.
In computing we have been learning about online safety and how every time we go online we live a ‘digital footprint’. We know how important it is to keep ourselves safe online and to think about the information we share with others.
This month, Angelfish have settled into Year 4 and have completed some fantastic learning.
In History, we continued to zoom into the intriguing world of the Greeks, studying their daily life, culture, gods, and myths in a workshop led by Mr Dilly.
In Maths, we have mastered formal written methods for addition and subtraction of 4 digit numbers. We are not experts at exchanging and regrouping along with being able to solve problems.
In Literacy, we have focused on writing recounts. Understanding the features and including a variety of fronted adverbials to advance our writing.
This week it is International Week and our class have been learning about China. We made vegetable rice to sell at the food event and enjoyed our Chinese decorated classroom. We are able to find China on a map and sketch some Chinese dragons.
Sea Turtles
This month in Sea Turtles we have been continuing our topic of the Anglo-Saxons, we have learned all about what they ate by excavating their faeces! The children loves being able to see the foods they ate and then creating a tally chart. We learned that they ate grains, seeds, fruit and sometimes even rocks that they used for grinding down the flour!
In R.E we have been learning all about Judaism, earlier in the year we visited the Synagogue to learn more about how some Jewish people show their faith. We learned about good deeds and linked this back to our own religions.
In literacy we have been writing travel guides, in week 1 we looked at our model text of New York. In week 2 we created a class text on Barcelona and during week 3 we created our own travel guides for places we would like to visit. All of the children worked so hard on creating their travel guides, I have been very impressed with their knowledge and skills! Please come and read all of our lovely learning that is displayed on our classroom windows.
During our P.E lessons we have been learning Netball skills and putting these into practice during our high-5 games, the children have learned how to use tactics, correct footwork and which areas of the court different positions can go into. I have been very impressed with how well they have worked as a team and the sportspersonship they
This month the Dolphins have been very busy!
In PE, we have been practising our passing and defending skills in netball. We then learnt the different positions and how they can move in the game. Once we knew this, we could move onto playing mini-games. The children loved applying the skills to their games!
In RE, we have been learning all about Hindus and how they worship. We have learnt all about the Puja tray and what each of the artefacts are for. The children chose their own pictures of the Puja tray and then added labels with information.
In maths, the children have been consolidating their understanding of the four operations: adding, subtraction, multiplication and division. We had a lesson on BIDMAS and the children absolutely loved it! They were challenging themselves to solve multistep problems during breaktime!
In art, we have been learning about Lowry, a famous artist from the Victorian era. We have been practicing different skills he used to create his paintings and this week we are going to be creating our own Lowry inspired art work!
Year 6 Prefect Newsletter
Our School Values
This October half-term, we have been looking at our school rules and (we have also been looking at our monthly values) what it means to the students. These School values are: Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe and Be Kind. All pupils at Maybury Primary School show all these rules and are respectful to others surrounding them wherever they are! Helpfully, all the students appreciate these rules and go by them everyday in their daily school routine.
As previously mentioned, all the pupils follow these school rules and help to show the younger children how to follow them. Role modeling is a key feature when it comes to showing our values all around the school building. All students go by these rules without noticing in their class and in the playground.
As well as these school rules, we also have other values that we learn about during the school assemblies and have signs up in the classrooms as well as around the school to remind us what these rules are. This is a photo of one of the value displays in a classroom. Down the middle, you can see that all the values add up to the word Aspire. This inspires us to learn and follow these values! The values are equality, resilience, positivity, kindness, respect and independence; the value of the month is equality.
Learning Council
School council have been very busy this half term working on a project to improve the biodiversity and habitat for insects. They planned what was needed to build a bug hotel, and then worked together to build it, filling it with leaves, sticks, bricks, broken pots, hay and pine cones. It looks fantastic and the children are hoping some little visitors move in soon!
Follow our school on Twitter
School Dinners
Please can we remind parents that school dinners should be paid for in advance. Please ensure that payment for the week ahead is made by the Monday morning, the cost for one week is £14.50 (£2.90 per day). Please also note that it is also possible to pay for more than one week at a time.
Please click here to view the menus via our school website - School Meals
A gentle reminder of the uniform policy:
In addition to the above no extreme hairstyles are permitted including overly spiked, sculptured, shaved areas and razor lines/pictures. If in doubt, please ask before a visit to the hairdresser/barbers.
All hair bands/ clips/ bows must be plain and in school colours only which are black, white, navy or sky blue, grey, or matching the school summer dresses.
A gentle reminder earrings are not permitted.
Lastly, a reminder that all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 should only have bookbags not rucksacks in school.
Spare Clothes
If your child has recently borrowed spare clothing from school, in particular children in Reception class, year 1 and year 2 please can we ask that these are returned. We have a washing machine onsite so you can be assured that any items returned are washed as needed.
We are also looking for donations of spare clothing such as underwear, leggings, jogging bottoms in small sizes such as ages 4 - 8. Please either hand into the office or to the class teacher. Thank you for your support.
Year 6 Parents/Carers - Secondary School Admissions
A reminder to all year 6 parents to register your child's Year 7 school placement. Deadline is 31st October 2023 via Surrey County Council's website. Please also see information below:
Measles is circulating in the UK and globally, with both adults and children infected this year
Recent figures show that measles is on the rise and not enough people in Surrey are protected against this infection. Parents and adults are urged to check their families Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) records as only 83.1% of residents have had both doses the MMR vaccine by age 5, far below the 95% needed to protect all of us from the disease.
It's never too late to protect adults and children from measles:
Please ensure your children get both their MMR vaccines – just after their first birthday and then before they start school
If you or your children missed the MMR vaccine, please ask for it from your GP practice, particularly before travelling abroad or attending festivals this summer where social mixing gives measles the chance to spread easily.
Having the MMR vaccine benefits everyone. If enough people are vaccinated, the disease cannot spread effectively to those who cannot be vaccinated such as immunosuppressed people and very young babies.
Measles infection
Measles is extremely infectious and is mainly spread by coughs and sneezes. It often starts with cough and cold like symptoms, high fever and red sore eyes. The rash starts a few days later and can be harder to see on brown or black skin than on pale skin. It is infectious to others for several days before rash onset, and very disruptive, as those infected must avoid contact with others for 4 days after the rash begins.
You may not know if someone has measles and even passing contact presents a high risk of spreading the infection.
Most people recover fully but it can make you feel very unwell. For some it causes serious illness requiring hospitalisation and (rarely) can be fatal. Measles in pregnancy increases the risk of complications.
If you think you may have measles, please do not attend your GP surgery or hospital without phoning first, so they can provide advice.
Fixed Term Penalty Notice
We are aware that the pandemic has had an effect on families, but the expectation is still that every child should now be attending school full time. If you consider that there are exceptional circumstances relating to your request, please let the school have full details. Each application for a leave of absence will be considered on a case by case basis.
Penalty Notices to Address Poor Attendance at School
A Penalty Notice may be issued as an alternative to the prosecution of a parent/carer for their child’s unauthorised absence from school (absence without the agreement of the school or not covered by a medical note) and will be used by Surrey County Council in the following circumstances :-
1. Pupils identified by police and Inclusion Officers (formerly Education Welfare Officers) engaged on Truancy Patrols and who have incurred unauthorised absences.
2. Leave of absence in term time (5 days or 10 sessions or more).
Please be aware that The Education (Pupil Registration)(England)(Amendment) Regulations 2013, which became law on 1st September 2013 state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
The Headteacher is also required to determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if leave is granted.
In such cases the Headteacher/Governing Body must decide whether there are exceptional circumstances. They may request that the Local Authority issue Penalty Notices when the absence is not authorised.
Warnings will not be given where it can be shown that parents have been notified that such absences will not be authorised.
3. Finally, the issuing of a Penalty Notice will also be considered where it is judged that a parent is failing to ensure their child's regular school attendance.
This will be considered when a pupil has incurred 7 or more unauthorised sessions in the previous 6 school weeks, which may include a pupil arriving late after close of registration.
If you believe at any stage that your child’s absence from school may leave you liable to receive a Penalty Notice, it is extremely important that you act without delay to secure their regular attendance.
If you have any questions or require further support to achieve an improvement in your child’s attendance, please contact your child’s school or the Inclusion Officer.
Penalty Notice relating to Exclusions
If a child is excluded from school, Section 103 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 places a duty on parents/carers to ensure that their child is not in a public place without justifiable cause during school hours.
This duty applies to the first five days of each exclusion. Failure to do so will render the parent/carer liable to a Penalty Notice. (Alternative education provision will be made available from the sixth day of any exclusion.)
Amount Payable for a Penalty Notice
The amount payable for a Penalty Notice issued in any of the above circumstances is currently £60 if paid within 21 days of receipt of the Notice, rising to £120 if paid after 21 days but within 28 days.
If the Penalty Notice is not paid, the local Authority must consider a prosecution in the Magistrates Court for the offence for which the Notice was originally issued.
Please be aware that each parent is liable to receive a Penalty Notice for each child who incurs unauthorised absences, for example, if there are two parents and one child, each parent will receive one Penalty Notice.
If there are two parents, and two children incur unauthorised absences, each parent will receive two Penalty Notices, which in this case would amount to £120 each if paid within 21 days.
Advice and support is available from an Inclusion Officer by contacting your local Education Office as follows :-
North West - Tel: 01483 518130 South West - Tel: 01483 517179
North East - Tel: 01372 833588 South East - Tel: 01737 737777
PE Timetable
Please see below for PE days for the Autumn Term
The children will need to wear their correct PE kit on their PE day. Correct PE kit consists of:
· Sky blue Maybury t-shirt
· Navy blue or black hooded jacket
· Navy blue or black jogging bottoms
Trainers (only lace up if your child can tie their own laces please)
Maybury Heroes
It's nice to be nice and if a member of Maybury Primary staff made you smile then let us know and we will pass on your comments to them. It can be for absolutely anyone in school and for any reason - we'd just like to know! Maybe someone in the office was super helpful, someone made your child smile, your class teacher or support staff went the extra mile, or you were helped by the Home school Link Worker, Inclusion Leader or Senior Leadership Team or you just want to say thankyou. Please click on the link and fill out the form it will take you to, then just add in the information about the Maybury Hero. We will share these nominations with staff each week in our staff meeting!
The form can be found here: Maybury Heroes Form
Online Safety Guides
Useful Dates - Autumn 2023
Please bear in mind that all of these dates are subject to change
Term Dates 2023/24
Autumn Term 2023
1st September 2023 to 15th December 2023
Half Term 23rd October 2023—3rd November 2023
(Please note October half term will be for 2 weeks)
Spring Term 2024
2nd January 2024 to 28th March 2024
Half Term 12th February 2024—16th February 2024
Summer Term 2024
15th April 2024 to 23rd July 2024
Half Term 27th May 2024 - 31st May 2024
INSET Days (School closed for training)
Friday 1st September 2023
Thursday 28th March 2024
Friday 24th May 2024
Monday 22nd July 2024
Tuesday 23rd July 2024
Our Values - Autumn Term
This half term’s value is Equality. Through this value children explore their own and others individual needs and identifies. Children will talk about how everyone should have an equal chance to reach their potential regardless of characteristics such as gender, race, religion or disability. At home you can:
Talk about your child's unique qualities and those that they share with other family members and friends.
Encourage an environment where they can celebrate their differences.
Research the lives of famous civil rights activities such as Harriet Tubman, Jesse Owens or Malala Yousafzai.
Books you could share at home
Early Years
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
This half term’s value is Resilience, the ability to bounce back after hard times or disappointment. Resilience develops when children experience challenges and learn to deal with them positively. You can support children to become resilient by:
Sharing stories of your own setbacks and how you overcame them.
Praising children’s efforts when they keep trying.
Encourage them to try new activities.
As a parent, it can be difficult to watch your child struggle, but it important that they solve problems themselves. You are their greatest cheerleader!
Books you could share at home
Early Years
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2