Maybury News

Believe. Achieve. Succeed.

Issue 2

October 2022

A message from Mrs Merritt

Welcome to our October newsletter, we have had another very busy month at Maybury. We finished this half term with an exciting international week this week. It was wonderful to see the children arrive at school yesterday dressed in traditional dress and the colours of the countries they have been learning about. A huge thank you to the families who supported us at our annual international food event yesterday. The children thoroughly enjoyed making food from the country they have been learning about. We raised an incredible £500 and we are going to utilise this money to purchase additional library books for the children to read.

This month during our safeguarding assembly we talked about keeping ourselves safe, we talked about different aspects of safety we learn about within our school curriculum as well as behaviour expectations in school. We talked about friendship issues and bullying, to ensure children know the difference between these. We defined bullying as “when children are intentionally mean and unkind to each other, not just once but again and again.” We made it clear that bullying is intentional and persistent. We talked about the four types of bullying (which can be found below) and that we do not tolerate any forms of bullying at our school. It would be very helpful if you could talk to the children about the definition and the different types of bullying at home to reinforce this important message.

We really enjoyed opening our classrooms up after school on Tuesday to invite parents/ carers to look at their children's work and it was lovely to hear the parents sharing how proud they were of their child’s work when I spoke to them after the session. As you are aware all parents/carers are able to book a telephone appointment with the teacher during the first week of term to discuss their child’s progress, if you haven't booked an appointment please do so.

We had excellent attendance at our KS1 and Reception Phonics parent workshop this half term and have taken on feedback from parents about running parent workshops for Reading and Maths and will be running these sessions over the next few month, dates to follow. I wish you all a restful half term break and look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 1st November at 8:40.

Mrs Merritt, Headteacher

Early Years Foundation Stage Update

Rainbow Fish


This month we have been talking about Birthday parties. We share the book Spot’s Birthday and the children enjoyed lots of birthday activities. Turning our role play area into a party was a particular hit! We also played with different sensory materials to create ‘party food.’

We have been focusing on colours in our small group times. The children enjoy talking about their favourite colours, going on

colour hunts and sorting the objects they find.

The children in Starfish are really enjoying their phonics learning and are excited every morning to find out what sound they are learning each day. The children have enjoyed practising their sounds as they play in our school role play being the teacher.

Use the QR code to watch a fun video, using Fred Talk. This will help your child to orally blend sounds together to hear words. Open your camera on your phone and hover over the QR Code for it to work.

In maths, we have introduced the children to subitising, an essential maths skill for developing composition of number. The children use their 'fast eyes' to say the amount of objects/dots they see, they don't count and also represent each amount on their fingers. We say the phrase ‘Fast eyes, don’t count, say the amount!’

Have a go at home.

The children are really enjoying taking turns on our interactive whiteboard, where they are learning to play games and draw by clicking on icons to make things happen.

Key Stage 1 Update


In Geography lessons we have been learning about our local area and the physical and human features we find in Woking. We enjoyed going on a local area walk into Woking. We looked at all different housing types and then went to Boundary Park. We had great fun playing with our friends.

In our Science lessons we have been learning about animals including humans. This week we learnt about our 5 different senses and did experiments using them. The children loved smelling and tasting different foods.


In maths this month, we have been looking at adding and subtracting. We have been using maths equipment to help us add numbers that go further than a ten. We worked on exchanging ones for tens so that we can see our answers.

In History, we have been learning about more types of transport. We have learnt all about flight—how the Wright brothers flew the first planes, how the Montgolfier brothers invented hot air balloons and we even talked about flying into space!

Jellyfish class were also very lucky to get to visit Woking Library this week. We got to do a quiz to find different books in the library, a sorting activity with different non-fiction books and we got to explore some of the exciting books they have there!

Key Stage 2 Update

Manta Rays

We have been enjoying learning about the Ancient Egyptians this half term and have written some excellent non-chronological reports about human and physical features of Ancient Egypt.

The children enjoyed trying to find out the uses and names of some Egyptian artefacts we borrowed from Chertsey Museum. Some were very tricky to work out!

We used a digital paint programme to create pyramid pictures and have been learning how to draw a 3D pyramid and add shading and tone to create a realistic image.

We were interested to learn about how pyramids were designed and built and some children made a 3D pyramid model. We learnt that pyramids we see today are called ‘step’ pyramids and were designed by an architect called Imhotep over 4000 years ago!

The children had a go at writing their own hieroglyphic messages using the Ancient Egyptian writing code. The symbols are much trickier to write than our letters!

This week it is International Week and our class have been learning about Italy. We made pizzas to sell at the food event and welcomed a visitor into our class to teach us some Italian. We are able to find Italy on a map and discuss some of the Italian landmarks.

In computing we have been learning about online safety and how every time we go online we live a ‘digital footprint’. We know how important it is to keep ourselves online and to think about the information we share with others.


We have been very busy in Angelfish class this month with lots of lovely learning going on.

In our History lessons, we have continued to learn about Ancient Greece. The children had an Ancient Greek workshop where they were able to look at and handle different artefacts including potter, coins, wax tablets and spinning tops. The children had great fun!

In our Computing lessons, we have been learning a coding language called logo. We used the logo commands to write algorithms to draw shapes and used these shapes in a repeated loop to create interesting patterns.

In Science, the children have continued to learn about teeth and digestion. We completed a Science experiment to test the effect of different drinks on teeth (we used an egg shell to represent the enamel on our teeth). We observed our findings over 5 days and were shocked at the results. We found out that orange juice caused the most damage!

Towards the end of the month, we also held an International Week at Maybury. Angelfish Class learnt all about China! We had a lot fun and completed a lot of activities including; using Atlases to locate China, Chinese cities and landmarks on a World Map; Drawing Chinese Dragons and cooking Spring Rolls.

Sea Turtles

This month, in Sea Turtles, we have been finishing off our art journey creating Modroc sculptures. We finished them and placed them on a tree just like the original blob picture. We thought carefully about their stance and the colour we painted to represent their emotions. Can you guess which emotions they are showing?

In maths we have been focusing on our times tables, we have been looking at multiples, factors, prime numbers, square numbers and cubed numbers, all of these rely on us knowing our times table facts!

This week has been international week, we have been learning all about Mexico. We have learned about their festival of ‘Day of the Dead’, in literacy we wrote haikus about the celebration here are some we created:

‘The day of the dead

Is a time to celebrate

And not to be feared’

‘Heaven gates open

Adults and children’s spirits

Joyfully come home’

Haikus are a poem which only have 3 lines. The first and the last line contain 5 syllables and the second contains 7 syllables. Sea Turtles came up with some excellent Haikus, we have displayed them on our classroom windows for you to read.


This month, in Dolphins, we have been finishing off our art journey creating a Lowry inspired painting. The children have been focusing on creating depth in their paintings by having a foreground, midground and background.

It was a challenge as Lowry only used 5 colours in his paintings but the children very much enjoyed the unit and their final pieces were fabulous!

In literacy we have been continuing our text ‘Pig Heart Boy’ the children produced some superb newspaper articles about our min character Cam and his controversial transplant! The children will be bringing their book home to finish reading it at half term.

This week has been international week, we chose France as our country. The children created information leaflets on their favourite French tourist attractions. They were very informative and produced our next 2 VIPS for after half term!

We made Croissants for the food sale, it was definitely tricky to pick between the cheese and chocolate ones!

Year 6 Prefects Newsletter

Year 1

In year 1 the children are working on a topic called color chaos. This week they are experimenting with a variety of colours. They are learning about Vincent Van Gogh and they are making sunflower piece in a similar style.

Year 2

In year 2 they are trying to also experiment with

colours. Just like year one, they are trying to make a painting inspired by Paul Klee. Year 2 children are making abstract art in the style of Paul Klee.

Year 3

In year 3 they are drawing pyramids as their topic of Egypt. They are using 3D shapes and shading to using different tones and shades to create shadows. They are using tints in their artwork. They will be making their own pyramids.

Year 4

In year 4 they are creating Greek masks by the end of the week they will be creating their own 3 dimensional Greek masks.

Year 5

In year 5 they are showing emotion by drawing colour wheels. The colour wheels show how different colours create and express different moods and feelings such as being sad or depressed. Children didn’t want to choose sad or angry colours because they feel happy and positive at school.

Year 6

In year 6 they are mimicking a famous artist called Lowry and at the end of the week they will be painting their own Lowry paintings! The masterpieces will be created and they will be picking the best ones to get the certificate on Wednesday. All children love to get the certificates to be granted a spot on the VIP table! The best paintings also go up on the waiting rooms in the train station, which is a real honour!

School Dinners

Please can we remind parents that school dinners should be paid for in advance. Please ensure that payment for the week ahead is made by the Monday morning, the cost for one week is £12.25 (£2.45 per day). Please also note that it is also possible to pay for more than one week at a time.

Please click here to view the menus via our school website - School Meals

Year 4 Need your help!

Our year 4 class are collecting cardboard tubes and rolls for an art project we would welcome any donations. Please send any cardboard tubes and rolls into school with your child. Thank you.

Happy Bag Collection

We are delighted to announce that the school is holding a textile collection for the Happy School Bag Fundraising Scheme.

This scheme is designed to help schools to raise funds and to help the environment by diverting discarded but reusable textiles away from landfill. In the UK alone we consume and discard over 1.4 million tonnes of textiles a year which goes directly into landfill despite the fact that there is spare capacity in textile recycling plants. By taking part in this scheme you help to reduce this amount by giving textiles a new lease of life.

To take part you simply need to fill the Happy School bag or any type of plastic bin bag with unwanted but clean clothing. We accept both children’s and adult clothes including paired shoes, accessories (hats, belts, handbags, etc…).

Remember that the more you fill up the bag the more the school can raise; we receive a competitive rate of up to 30p per kilo; you can also use additional black bin bags if required.

This is a fantastic opportunity to raise eco-friendly awareness amongst children. Everyone can take part so spread the word and let’s get fundraising!

A plastic happy bag will be sent home with your child today. Please bring all your bags to the school playground when you collect your child/ren at the end of day on Thursday 3rd November ONLY (Please DO NOT bring any bags to the school office as we are unable to accept them here) and help us have an amazing collection.

Many thanks for taking part!

Fixed Term Penalty Notice

We are aware that the pandemic has had an effect on families, but the expectation is still that every child should now be attending school full time. If you consider that there are exceptional circumstances relating to your request, please let the school have full details. Each application for a leave of absence will be considered on a case by case basis.

Penalty Notices to Address Poor Attendance at School

A Penalty Notice may be issued as an alternative to the prosecution of a parent/carer for their child’s unauthorised absence from school (absence without the agreement of the school or not covered by a medical note) and will be used by Surrey County Council in the following circumstances :-

1. Pupils identified by police and Inclusion Officers (formerly Education Welfare Officers) engaged on Truancy Patrols and who have incurred unauthorised absences.

2. Leave of absence in term time (5 days or 10 sessions or more).

  • Please be aware that The Education (Pupil Registration)(England)(Amendment) Regulations 2013, which became law on 1st September 2013 state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

  • The Headteacher is also required to determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if leave is granted.

  • In such cases the Headteacher/Governing Body must decide whether there are exceptional circumstances. They may request that the Local Authority issue Penalty Notices when the absence is not authorised.

Warnings will not be given where it can be shown that parents have been notified that such absences will not be authorised.

3. Finally, the issuing of a Penalty Notice will also be considered where it is judged that a parent is failing to ensure their child's regular school attendance.

This will be considered when a pupil has incurred 7 or more unauthorised sessions in the previous 6 school weeks, which may include a pupil arriving late after close of registration.

If you believe at any stage that your child’s absence from school may leave you liable to receive a Penalty Notice, it is extremely important that you act without delay to secure their regular attendance.

If you have any questions or require further support to achieve an improvement in your child’s attendance, please contact your child’s school or the Inclusion Officer.

Penalty Notice relating to Exclusions

If a child is excluded from school, Section 103 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 places a duty on parents/carers to ensure that their child is not in a public place without justifiable cause during school hours.

This duty applies to the first five days of each exclusion. Failure to do so will render the parent/carer liable to a Penalty Notice. (Alternative education provision will be made available from the sixth day of any exclusion.)

Amount Payable for a Penalty Notice

The amount payable for a Penalty Notice issued in any of the above circumstances is currently £60 if paid within 21 days of receipt of the Notice, rising to £120 if paid after 21 days but within 28 days.

If the Penalty Notice is not paid, the local Authority must consider a prosecution in the Magistrates Court for the offence for which the Notice was originally issued.

Please be aware that each parent is liable to receive a Penalty Notice for each child who incurs unauthorised absences, for example, if there are two parents and one child, each parent will receive one Penalty Notice.

If there are two parents, and two children incur unauthorised absences, each parent will receive two Penalty Notices, which in this case would amount to £120 each if paid within 21 days.

Advice and support is available from an Inclusion Officer by contacting your local Education Office as follows :-

North West - Tel: 01483 518130 South West - Tel: 01483 517179

North East - Tel: 01372 833588 South East - Tel: 01737 737777

Parents' Evening Appointments

Please remember to book a Parents' evening appointment for your child. Parents’ evening appointments for the Autumn Term will take place on Tuesday 1st November from 3:30pm until 4:30pm, Wednesday 2nd November from 3:30pm until 7:30pm and Thursday 3rd November from 3:30pm – 4:30pm.

Please make your appointment(s) using our usual online booking system. Please follow these simple steps to book your slot:

  1. Log into your Scopay account - please note this is the same account that you use to make online payments for school dinners and trips.

  2. Select Parents’ evening from the toolbar.

  3. Select the meeting from the drop down menu. This term’s meeting is listed as:‘Parents’ Evening Autumn 2022’.

  4. You will see your child/children listed along with their class name.

  5. Listed underneath you will see any available slots to book in green.

  6. Simply select the time slot you require, a small window will appear asking you to add a note for the teacher; it is vital that you add the telephone number you would like the teacher to call you on. To confirm select yes.

  7. You will then be advised that your booking has been successful, click ok.

  8. You will receive a confirmation email (please check spam/junk folder)

  9. If you need to make a booking for another child repeat steps 5 to 8.

Please ensure that you keep a record of the date and time of your booking. You must be available to answer your phone at your appointment time. Should you miss your allocated time we cannot guarantee that we will be able to reschedule your telephone appointment.

PE Timetable

Please see below for PE days after half term.

PE Autumn Term for Newsletter

Year 6 Parents - Secondary School Admissions

A reminder to all year 6 parents to register your child's Year 7 school placement. Deadline is 31st October 2022 via Surrey County Council's website. Please also see information below:

Maybury Heroes

It's nice to be nice and if a member of Maybury Primary staff made you smile then let us know and we will pass on your comments to them. It can be for absolutely anyone in school and for any reason - we'd just like to know! Maybe someone in the office was super helpful, someone made your child smile, your class teacher or support staff went the extra mile, or you were helped by the Home school Link Worker, Inclusion Leader or Senior Leadership Team or you just want to say thankyou. Please click on the link and fill out the form it will take you to, then just add in the information about the Maybury Hero. We will share these nominations with staff each week in our staff meeting!

The form can be found here: Maybury Heroes Form

Online Safety Guides

Useful Dates - Autumn 2022

Please bear in mind that all of these dates are subject to change

Useful Dates - Autumn Term 2022

Term Dates 2022/23

Autumn Term 2022

1st September 2022 to 16th December 2022

Half Term 24th October 2022—28th October 2022

Spring Term 2023

3rd January 2023 to 31st March 2023

Half Term 13th February 2023—17th February 2023

Summer Term 2023

17th April 2023 to 21st July 2023

Half Term 22nd May 2023 - 2nd June 2023

(Please note May half term will be for 2 weeks)

INSET Days (School closed for training)

  • Thursday 1st September 2022

  • Friday 2nd September 2022

  • Monday 31st October 2022

  • Tuesday 3rd January 2023

  • Friday 21st July 2023

Our Values - Autumn Term


This half term’s value is Equality. Through this value children explore their own and others individual needs and identifies. Children will talk about how everyone should have an equal chance to reach their potential regardless of characteristics such as gender, race, religion or disability. At home you can:

  • Talk about your child's unique qualities and those that they share with other family members and friends.

  • Encourage an environment where they can celebrate their differences.

  • Research the lives of famous civil rights activities such as Harriet Tubman, Jesse Owens or Malala Yousafzai.

Books you could share at home

Early Years

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2


This half term’s value is Resilience, the ability to bounce back after hard times or disappointment. Resilience develops when children experience challenges and learn to deal with them positively. You can support children to become resilient by:

  • Sharing stories of your own setbacks and how you overcame them.

  • Praising children’s efforts when they keep trying.

  • Encourage them to try new activities.

  • As a parent, it can be difficult to watch your child struggle, but it important that they solve problems themselves. You are their greatest cheerleader!

Books you could share at home

Early Years

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2
