Maybury News

Believe.  Achieve.  Succeed.

                      Issue 6 

February 2024

A message from Mrs Merritt

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope this newsletter finds you well, we are looking forward to another exciting half term at Maybury. We have lots of wonderful learning opportunities planned for your children. We have made a change in our approach to reading in Key Stage 2. From this term onwards, we will be implementing a whole class model to teach Reading, children will focus on a key text each week and develop their reading skills over the course of the week. To support this approach, it is crucial that you continue to hear your children read every day at home. Your involvement will greatly contribute to their reading development.

This month  Sea Turtles class had the opportunity to visit the mosque as part of their Religious Education topic, What helps Muslims to live a good life?  Jellyfish class participated in an interactive history workshop with Mr Dilly, which was based on their Great Fire of London topic. Dolphins class also had a workshop with Mr Dilly, which developed their learning as part of heir World War 1 and 2 topic. These trips and workshops have provided valuable learning experiences for our children.

At Maybury, we strongly promote high attendance levels.  The new DfE guidance, "Working Together to Improve School Attendance,"  outlines parents' responsibilities regarding attendance. It is essential that your child attends school every day, except when a statutory reason applies. If your child is unexpectedly absent, please notify the school as soon as possible. We kindly request that any leave of absence be reserved for exceptional circumstances and be requested in advance. In addition, please try to schedule any medical appointments outside of school hours, whenever possible. Let's work together to ensure our children are present for their education.

I would also like to remind you that our Starbooks café is still running on Tuesdays after school from 3:15-3:30. This session allows parents to visit the school library and share books with their child. For more information, please speak with Mrs Hussain.

I would like to thank all the parents who attended our highly successful parent/child online safety workshops as part of Safer Internet week at the end of the previous half term. We hope that these workshops have equipped you with the necessary tools to support your children's online activities in a safe and productive manner.

I would like to share the Safer Internet  Top Tips Parents and carers

These top tips have been written for you (parents and carers) to help you support your child to stay safe and happy online.

Inspire change by modelling how to be safe online

Just like in their offline lives, children need role models online too. Set clear and fair expectations about how the whole family should use the internet and technology, and demonstrate these yourself. A Family Agreement is a great way to start conversations and put your ideas down on paper, to refer back to later and adapt as your child and your family’s internet use changes.

Make a difference by having regular discussions about the online world

Having regular and open conversations with your child about their use of technology and the internet is the best way to stay up to date, not only with changes in the online world, but also with what they are doing and seeing online. Starting these conversations can sometimes feel daunting, but they can help you feel more informed and show your child that you are taking an interest in their online life. Not sure where to begin? Use the tips and conversations starters in our “Let’s Talk About Life Online” resource.

Manage influence by researching the content and games your child enjoys the most

Giving young people the opportunity to talk about their life online, and enjoying online content together, can be a great way to gain an insight into the content they are viewing. Our ‘Parents and Carers Resource Sheet’ is a great tool that you can use to research any websites, apps and games and find out more about specific content.

Navigate change by knowing where to go for further support

If your child needs help, it’s important you know where to go for further support. Using the report and block buttons,   websites such as ‘Report Harmful Content’, and other safety tools is a great starting point. It can also be useful to discuss any concerns or worries with your child’s school as they may be able to offer further advice and guidance. It can also help to talk to other parents and carers who may have experienced something.

Lastly, I have some wonderful news. Miss Moore, our Assistant Headteacher, is expecting a baby and will begin her maternity leave after the May half term. Miss Frew will be returning to Maybury and will resume her position as the class teacher for Angelfish. Miss Frew will teach on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, while Mrs Wharton will take over on Thursdays and Fridays.


Mrs Merritt


Attendance from 2nd January to 28th February 2024

Remember it is vital that your child comes to school every day unless they are unwell, there is some useful guidance from the NHS about when you should or shouldn't send your child to school which can be found here .  

You may be pleased to know that the class with the highest attendance this term will win a special trip to the new Superbowl in Woking! Your support in encouraging your child's attendance will be greatly appreciated. Here is an update of the class attendance progress for this term.  

Early Years Foundation Stage Update

Rainbow Fish

This month, Rainbow Fish have been enjoying listening to Jasper’s Beanstalk. The children had the opportunity to plant beans and watch them grow, which was very exciting. The children learnt that the beans needed water and light to grow, so they took it in turns to give the beans water and make sure there was enough light. It was lovely seeing how caring and attentive Rainbow Fish were.

The children also enjoyed listening to Titch. The children enjoyed exploring the enhanced provisions that were set up such as planting flowers and leaves on chocolate scented playdough, designing their own pinwheels and exploring the sensory tray filled with oats and rice.

Rainbow Fish have enjoyed listening and learning about firefighters. We learnt all about how firefighters help us stay safe. Rainbow Fish had fun exploring the enhanced provision that was set up such as dressing up as firemen and putting out painted fires using spray bottles and small buckets of water and rescuing the small teddies from the ‘fire’ (which was actually red spaghetti!).


Oral Health

Starfish class have been exploring how to keep their teeth healthy.  They have learnt that to keep their teeth healthy they need to brush their teeth twice a day for 2 minutes and visit the dentist regularly.

The children found out facts about teeth.  You need teeth to eat, talk, and smile. When you are 4 you should have 20 milk teeth but these milk teeth will be replaced with adult teeth as we get older.

Starfish learnt that our teeth do not like sugar.  They sorted food into those that were good for  teeth and those that were bad for teeth.

The children wrote posters reminding everyone of the importance of keeping your teeth healthy using their phonic knowledge.

The Gingerbread Man Story

The children in Starfish have been enjoying reading the story of The Gingerbread Man.  They enjoyed joining in with the repeated words in the story and loved the ending when the fox eats the Gingerbread Man in one big gulp.

The children know the story really well and were able to draw imaginary maps of the journey the Gingerbread Man took.  

We baked our own Gingerbread Men, mixing the ingredients together, rolling out the dough, cutting the gingerbread man shapes, decorating them before baking and eating them.  Yummy!

We also made a giant Gingerbread Man.  That's when the trouble began...

Our giant Gingerbread Man, jumped out of the oven and ran away.  He was spotted around school in different locations.

Starfish made lost posters using their phonic knowledge, so everyone at school could help them to find our gingerbread man before the fox found him and ate him up.

Things did not end well for the gingerbread man, the foxes found him and ate him up!

Luckily, Mrs Eldred cooked a spare one for us just in case this was to happen.

Stay and Play

Thank you to all the parents who join us for Stay and Play on a Monday morning.  This is a fantastic opportunity to see what your child is learning at school.  Please come along and join in with us whenever you can.

Play and Stay sessions are every Monday from 8.35am to 8.55am. 

Key Stage 1 Update


PE days are now Monday and Thursday for this half term.

This half term we will be learning about toys and how they have changed over time  in our History lessons, seasonal change in our Science lessons and  we will be designing and making a puppet in our Design and Technology lessons.

The children have been enjoying using rackets and balls in PE lessons. They work individually, as a pair and as part of a team to practise learning different skills. These photos show the children working on controlling a ball with their racket.


In Maths we have been looking at position and direction and the vocabulary associated with it.  We have been talking about where items are located and moving different objects to in front of, between, behind , on top of, under and next to. We have also been working on learning our left and right and turning whole and half turns to the left and right.


This month, Jellyfish have been finishing off their clay pots with painting and glazing. We evaluated them by discussing what we thought went well, what we didn’t like about them and what we would do differently next time. The children added metallic paint as an extra layer too.


In Literacy, we are reading Lost and Found and our writing is focusing on using different types of punctuation. The children have been practising writing statements and commands to use full stops, asking questions to use question marks and using exclamations. We are rewriting the story and then making changes to make it our own version.


In Maths, we were looking at fractions. We started with fractions of shapes and moved onto fractions of numbers using our dividing methods. We have learnt about halves, quarters and thirds and can identify unit and non-unit fractions.

We have started our new geography topic this half term where we are learning about our Wonderful World. We looked at Google Earth and aerial maps to compare the oceans to the continents and labelled these on maps. We located the United Kingdom and Africa too (from our previous topic!).

Key Stage 2 Update

Manta Rays 

PE days are still Wednesday and Thursday this half term.  Please make sure children wear their PE kit to school on these days.

A group of children received their prize of either hot chocolate or making a keyring before half term for completing their home learning every week.  Manta rays are working on our school rules, learning spellings, completing homework and reading at least 3 times a week at home each week.  Each week, the 5 children in the class with the most positive dojos will receive their treat of a hot chocolate!

We are starting our new Geography topic this half term, comparing the Amazon Rainforest and Horsell Common.  The children were given a challenge in half term to visit Horsell Common with their family and take some photos.  They could make a poster about Horsell Common and research some key facts.  It was lovely to see the posters the children made.

We have started our new Science topic about Pants this week.  The children recalled the key parts of plants and looked at the jobs each part does.  We are looking forward to carrying out some exciting investigations this half term to find out the best growing conditions for plants.

In Maths, we have just to come to the end of our Multiplication and Division unit.  The children have been learning about remainders and explored this using lolly sticks.  In the next few weeks we will be looking at Geometry and Fractions, Decimals, Percentages.

In Literacy, we are looking at the text ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ linked to our Rainforest topic from last half term.  Our focus is persuasive texts and how to write in a persuasive way.  We have explored the story through a playscript and linked this to our Reading focus this week.

In Computing, we are starting an exciting new Photo Editing topic!  The children love this topic and will get to edit, improve and create some funny looking images!


PE days are now Tuesday and Wednesday for this half term.

This half term our geography lessons will be moving on from studying volcanoes to exploring the fascinating world of earthquakes. We have been thoroughly impressed by the outstanding projects the children have created at home, including incredible models and fact files. It is wonderful to see such enthusiasm and dedication in their learning.

In Maths, we are continuing to focus on fractions. Specifically, we are currently focusing on addition and subtraction of fractions. This is a crucial skill that will strengthen their understanding of numbers and build a solid foundation for future mathematical concepts.

In our literacy lessons, we will be comparing the cultural story of "The Rough Face Girl" to the more familiar fairy tale of "Cinderella." This comparative study allows the children to explore different perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of storytelling and cultural diversity. It promises to be an engaging and thought-provoking topic.

In design and technology, our current focus is on researching the market before designing and creating savoury pastries. This project not only nurtures their creative skills but also introduces them to the concepts of market research and consumer needs. It was great to see so many children feeling confident to taste new things.

In P.E, we will be focusing on tag rugby and gymnastics. Both of these activities promote teamwork, coordination, and physical fitness.

Sea Turtles 

Our Spring 2 topic is ‘Exploring Europe’, we started our topic by identifying the different continents. We then zoomed in on Europe and identified the countries and capital cities using atlases.

In literacy, we have started to look newspaper reports, we read ‘Tuesday’ by David  Wiesner, the book doesn’t have many words so we had to use our inference skills to work out what was happening. We are going to be writing our own newspaper reports by week 3.

In maths, we have been continuing to look at fractions, decimals and percentages. We have converted, ordered, multiplied and added fractions and decimals. We are working on our problem-solving skills.

Last term in French, we studied the weather, we learned the different types of weather in French and also created our own weather reports in French.

In computing, we used TinkerCAD to create 3D models of buildings using the select, rotate, resize, group and merge tools. The children designed their own buildings on paper and then transferred this onto TinkerCAD; their designs look incredible and every one’s looked so different!

As part of our R.E curriculum we were fortunate enough to visit the Shah Jahan Mosque.  We learned about how the mosque was built and how all of the different religions came together to build it. We had a tour of the mosque and were able to ask questions about its history and purpose.  We all learned lots of facts which we applied to our R.E lessons.

We finished off our space topic last half term by looking at the phases of the moon. We used oreos to recreate the different phases of the moon to help us understand the difference between waxing and waning.


At the end of last term, we started our new World War 2 topic, ’Blitz and Pieces’, with a fantastic workshop with Mr Dilly. We learnt so much about the War and even got to role play being air raid wardens and being in the Blitz, it was very loud and very disorientating! The children had so much fun and over the half term they have managed to remember a lot of facts from our morning.

In literacy, we are continuing to read ‘War Horse’ and the children are really enjoying it. So far, we have written: diary entries, a balanced argument and a newspaper report about the beginning of the Blitz. The children listened to old radio news reports and then worked on creating their own.

In maths, we have been continuing to look at fractions, decimals and percentages. We are focusing on converting them and solving problems including them.

In computing, the children have now finished their Scratch games with moving objects and they have evaluated each others by playing them. This half term, we are moving onto creating our own webpages! The children are very excited about this unit and can’t wait to get started!

In art, we completed our street art unit and had a go at screen printing  our own designs they had made using positive and negative space. The children were very pleased with their results.

In DT this half term, we are going to be creating our own phone cases. The children will research materials to use for it and then learn a number of different sewing stitches. The children will then plan their own design and select the stitch they feel is best. Once they are completed the children can take them home and use them!

In PE, we finished our carnival dance unit and filmed our samba dances. The children did a great job at timing their moves and making sure they were all synchronized.

School Council

The school councillors are meeting this half term to discuss healthy lifestyles and wellbeing at Maybury.  The children have devised a questionnaire for parents and children to find out how we can make our after school club provision even better.  Thank you for taking the time to complete and give us feedback.

Year 6 Prefects Newsletter

Online Safety

Believe, Achieve, Succeed


As part of Safer Internet week, we had class online safety workshops with our parents.  In these sessions we learnt about how to stay safe on the internet; this included cyberbullying, keeping details secure, how to be kind online and age restrictions. Here are some tips we have put together about what we have been learning.



Cyber bullying is online bullying. This can have an effect on people’s lives and their mental health. Some people think that cyberbullying is not a serious matter but it most definitely is. It is important to make sure we only post kind comments to others online.

Report Abuse Button

The report abuse button is found in games and on websites. This button allows you to report a user or a player depending on the app or website. Not just that, but it will ban someone from the site if there is a sensible reason. If you see something you don’t like online you should report it using the Report Button.

PEGI Ratings

PEGI ratings tell users what age they should be to play or use a game, app or website. They are usually found on the back of video games; if they are online games, the rating will be in it’s online storefront which is where games or apps are downloaded. PEGI ratings are on most online apps and websites, such as YouTube and Roblox. It is important to check the PEGI rating to make sure the app or game is appropriate for children to use.

Personal Details

Personal Details should not be shared with anyone else to keep everyone safe. It is important to make sure you never share your personal details such as passwords with anyone else. It is also important we don’t post photos online which show personal details such as our school or home address, we should never give this information to people online.

Stay safe online! 😄


By The Year 6 Prefects

Happy Bags Collection - Thank you!

Thank you to everyone that contributed their used or unwanted clothing items to our Happy Bags collection on Thursday 22nd February.  With your help, the collection raised £121.55 for School Fund.  Thank you!

Follow our school on Twitter

Did you know that Maybury Primary School is on Twitter/X?  We have been 'tweeting' since 2019!

Please follow us for regular updates on all the exciting things taking place in our school.

To follow our school please click the Twitter icon below:


School Dinners 

Please can we remind parents that school dinners should be paid for in advance. Please ensure that payment for the week ahead is made by the Monday morning, the cost for one week is £14.50 (£2.90 per day). Please also note that it is also possible to pay for more than one week at a time.

Please click here to view the menus via our school website - School Meals


A gentle reminder of the uniform policy:

In addition to the above no extreme hairstyles are permitted including overly spiked, sculptured, shaved areas and razor lines/pictures. If in doubt, please ask before a visit to the hairdresser/barbers.  

All hair bands/ clips/ bows must be plain and in school colours only which are black, white, navy or sky blue, grey, or matching the school summer dresses.

As a reminder if children wish to wear a headscarf to school please ensure it is a short pullover plain navy blue or plain black scarf.

A gentle reminder earrings are not permitted.  

Lastly, a reminder that all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 should only have bookbags not rucksacks in school.

Book Fair

The Scholastic Travelling Book Fair is coming to Maybury from 18th - 21st March 2024 

Next Good as New Uniform Sale

Spare Clothes

If your child has recently borrowed spare clothing from school, in particular children in Reception class, year 1 and year 2 please can we ask that these are returned.  We have a washing machine onsite so you can be assured that any items returned are washed as needed.  

We are also looking for donations of spare clothing such as underwear, leggings, jogging bottoms in small sizes such as ages 4 - 8.  Please either hand into the office or to the class teacher.  Thank you for your support. 


Measles is circulating in the UK and globally, with both adults and children infected this year

Recent figures show that measles is on the rise and not enough people in Surrey are protected against this infection. Parents and adults are urged to check their families Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) records as only 83.1% of residents have had both doses the MMR vaccine by age 5, far below the 95% needed to protect all of us from the disease.

It's never too late to protect adults and children from measles:

Having the MMR vaccine benefits everyone. If enough people are vaccinated, the disease cannot spread effectively to those who cannot be vaccinated such as immunosuppressed people and very young babies.

Measles infection

Measles is extremely infectious and is mainly spread by coughs and sneezes. It often starts with cough and cold like symptoms, high fever and red sore eyes. The rash starts a few days later and can be harder to see on brown or black skin than on pale skin. It is infectious to others for several days before rash onset, and very disruptive, as those infected must avoid contact with others for 4 days after the rash begins.

You may not know if someone has measles and even passing contact presents a high risk of spreading the infection.

Most people recover fully but it can make you feel very unwell. For some it causes serious illness requiring hospitalisation and (rarely) can be fatal. Measles in pregnancy increases the risk of complications.

If you think you may have measles, please do not attend your GP surgery or hospital without phoning first, so they can provide advice.


Fixed Term Penalty Notice 

We are aware that the pandemic has had an effect on families, but the expectation is still that every child should now be attending school full time. If you consider that there are exceptional circumstances relating to your request, please let the school have full details. Each application for a leave of absence will be considered on a case by case basis.


Penalty Notices to Address Poor Attendance at School


A Penalty Notice may be issued as an alternative to the prosecution of a parent/carer for their child’s unauthorised absence from school (absence without the agreement of the school or not covered by a medical note) and will be used by Surrey County Council in the following circumstances :-


1. Pupils identified by police and Inclusion Officers (formerly Education Welfare Officers) engaged on Truancy Patrols and who have incurred unauthorised absences.


2. Leave of absence in term time (5 days or 10 sessions or more).





Warnings will not be given where it can be shown that parents have been notified that such absences will not be authorised.


3. Finally, the issuing of a Penalty Notice will also be considered where it is judged that a parent is failing to ensure their child's regular school attendance.


This will be considered when a pupil has incurred 7 or more unauthorised sessions in the previous 6 school weeks, which may include a pupil arriving late after close of registration.


If you believe at any stage that your child’s absence from school may leave you liable to receive a Penalty Notice, it is extremely important that you act without delay to secure their regular attendance. 


If you have any questions or require further support to achieve an improvement in your child’s attendance, please contact your child’s school or the Inclusion Officer.


Penalty Notice relating to Exclusions


If a child is excluded from school, Section 103 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 places a duty on parents/carers to ensure that their child is not in a public place without justifiable cause during school hours. 


This duty applies to the first five days of each exclusion.  Failure to do so will render the parent/carer liable to a Penalty Notice. (Alternative education provision will be made available from the sixth day of any exclusion.)


Amount Payable for a Penalty Notice


The amount payable for a Penalty Notice issued in any of the above circumstances is currently £60 if paid within 21 days of receipt of the Notice, rising to £120 if paid after 21 days but within 28 days.


If the Penalty Notice is not paid, the local Authority must consider a prosecution in the Magistrates Court for the offence for which the Notice was originally issued.


Please be aware that each parent is liable to receive a Penalty Notice for each child who incurs unauthorised absences, for example, if there are two parents and one child, each parent will receive one Penalty Notice.

If there are two parents, and two children incur unauthorised absences, each parent will receive two Penalty Notices, which in this case would amount to £120 each if paid within 21 days.


Advice and support is available from an Inclusion Officer by contacting your local Education Office as follows :-


North West    - Tel: 01483 518130 South West      -   Tel: 01483 517179

North East    - Tel: 01372 833588  South East   -       Tel: 01737 737777

PE Timetable 

Please see below for PE days for the Spring Term

The children will need to wear their correct PE kit on their PE day. Correct PE kit consists of:

·        Sky blue Maybury t-shirt

·        Navy blue or black hooded jacket

·        Navy blue or black jogging bottoms

Trainers (only lace up if your child can tie their own laces please) 

PE Spring Term for Newsletter

Maybury Heroes

It's nice to be nice and if a member of Maybury Primary staff made you smile then let us know and we will pass on your comments to them. It can be for absolutely anyone in school and for any reason - we'd just like to know! Maybe someone in the office was super helpful, someone made your child smile, your class teacher or support staff went the extra mile, or you were helped by the Home school Link Worker, Inclusion Leader or Senior Leadership Team or you just want to say thankyou. Please click on the link and fill out the form it will take you to, then just add in the information about the Maybury Hero.  We will share these nominations with staff each week in our staff meeting!


The form can be found here: Maybury Heroes Form

Online Safety Guide

Useful Dates - Spring 2024

Please bear in mind that all of these dates are subject to change

Feb Newsletter Useful Dates - Spring Term 2024

Term Dates 2023/24

Autumn Term 2023

1st September 2023 to 15th December 2023

Half  Term 23rd October 2023—3rd November 2023

(Please note October half term will be for 2 weeks)

Spring Term 2024

2nd January 2024 to 28th March 2024

Half Term 12th February 2024—16th February 2024

Summer Term 2024

15th April 2024 to 23rd July 2024

Half Term 27th May 2024 - 31st May 2024

INSET Days (School closed for training)

Our Values - Spring Term


This half term’s value is Positivity. Positive thinking is a mental attitude that tries to see all situations in a constructive way. At home you can help children develop a positive attitude by:

Books you could share at home

Early Years

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2 


This half term’s value is Kindness.  Kindness is a type of behaviour marked by acts of generosity, consideration, or concern for others, without expecting praise or reward. There are many ways you can help children to live this value at home. Examples include:

Books to share at home

Early Years

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2 
