
Laura Besley

Flash Fiction Collection (Dahlia Books)

A first time mum struggles with her newborn baby. An alien examines the lives of Earth Mothers. A baby sleeps through the night at long last.

Written with raw honesty, Laura Besley's debut flash collection, "The Almost Mothers", exposes what it really means to be a mother.

Anita Goveas

Flash Fiction Collection (Reflex Press)

Families and Other Natural Disasters is a collection of flash fiction about families, born into, created or found, how they support us or repress us, and the ways they can change us and shape us.

These stories are set in the UK and India, in aquariums, ballrooms and outer space. They follow women into volcanoes and out to sea. The characters search for lost brothers and lost selves and find prairie dogs and sea serpents.

In a debut collection rich in cultural detail, Anita Goveas beautifully explores the theme of family as one of the essential elements that hold the universe together.

Alison Woodhouse

Flash Fiction Collection (V. Press)

These flash fictions explore the power we possess to shift our relationships by examining our memories, questioning fixed narratives, revealing new perspectives. Family Frames is very raw and very relatable.

"Family Frames ... is like a treasured album of photographs you'll want to return to again and again to discover more detail and depth. Each story is exquisitely composed. With vivid and evocative images of place and time, Woodhouse shows the distance, closeness and heartbreak within family relationships ... and how fierce love can carry a family through anything that life brings."

Ruth Brandt

Short Story Collection (Fly on the Wall Press)

Hassan’s Zoo: When American soldiers invade Iraq searching for weapons of mass destruction, Kesari the Bengal tiger and other wildlife are at the mercy of guns and keeper, Hassan. Entrenched in perpetual fear, Hassan must exercise Godly powers over his creatures in his attempts to save them - and himself.

A Village in Winter: “Mrs Gregory said to leave Frizz and his mum be for a while. Stop pestering. That poor woman with that lad.” In the chill of winter, the villagers play by the river, their play as harsh as the ice.

Alison Woodhouse

Novella-in-Flash (AdHoc Fiction)

Set at the end of the eighties and early nineties, The House on the Corner traces the changes in the lives of a middle-class nuclear family. As history unfolds outside the house, an ever-deepening crisis threatens the fragile, tenuous connections within.

Laura Besley

Micro Fiction Collection (Arachne Press)

In these one-hundred stories – each one-hundred words long – Besley captures her characters’ universes in vivid detail, their predicaments unspooling and oozing off the page. Besley guides us through these worlds filled with relationships that flounder and flourish, mysterious moments of surrealism, and hard realities of contemporary life. Brimming with tenderness and triumph, heartbreak and wonderment, 100neHundred is a masterful collection of micro stories that read macro.

Stephanie Carty

Craft Book (AdHoc Fiction)

"Inside Fictional Minds" is an accessible and invaluable tool for any writer of fiction wanting to get underneath their character’s skin. Packed with psychological insights into motive, reason and desire, it’ll have you unravelling the intricacies of being human in new and exciting ways.

Ruth Brandt

Short Story Collection (Fly on the Wall Press)

Ruth Brandt’s debut short story collection tackles stubborn, impulsive and adrenaline-seeking human nature. From the formation of the Berlin Wall in 1961, the early life of Turing, to modern day families, Brandt lays bare the social systems and customs we live by.

Stephanie Carty

Flash Fiction Collection (Reflex Press)

"The Peculiarities of Yearning" is a collection of short fiction of various lengths and genres that is pulled together by a thread of exploration of what it means to yearn: to long for, suppress, and ultimately allow what matters to emerge and be acted on – thus reflecting the journey of psychotherapy.

Michael Loveday

Novella-in-Flash (V. Press)

Three Men on the Edge is a flash fiction novella by Michael Loveday featuring three men living on the edge of London.

The story of the three men – Gus, Denholm and Martyn – is narrated in three distinctive sections: Denholm – Cause for Alarm; Gus – The Invisible World; Martyn – Chewing Glass.

Michael Loveday

Craft Book (AdHoc Fiction)

"Unlocking the Novella-in-Flash: from Blank Page to Finished Manuscript" is the first ever full roadmap for creating your own novella composed of flash fictions, or very short stories. Whether you’ve written a novella-in-flash before, or are a beginner newly experimenting, this flexible, step-by-step craft guide will support you to produce a high-quality manuscript of linked narratives.

Laura Besley

Flash Fiction Colletion (Beir Bua Press)

Many of these stories were written as tweet-length stories from daily prompts on Twitter under the hashtag: Very Short Story 365 (#vss365). After a few people kindly suggested I collate them, I decided to look at all the stories I had written to date and to my delight found myself able to see patterns and themes. There was also a strong use of nature within them and the idea to divide the collection into elements emerged organically.

Once the structure of nine elements was in place, I completed the collection with some longer stories - some of which have been previously published, whereas others are new.