This page is dedicated to works of art

a wall made of stone bricks, bearing the title "ART GALLERY" above a painted scorpion with a heart for a stinger. A sign to the right on a different colored wall reads "no loitering".

photo taken near a Popeye's on Speedway Boulevard in Tucson, c. 2021 (no loitering)

a painted canvas of a moon, centered and pouring streams of water of various colors into a lake, with clouds made of autumn leaves lining the sides of the image

by Amy Rodriguez-Peris

a whiteboard with a drawing of Spiderman, including his face, his spider symbol, and a comic book style action text bubble that says "Pow!"

by Evey Hanton

by Karissa Ghigiarelli

a wordcloud with the most prominent words "letters, math, shapes, numbers, equations, angles, functions"

Math 112 Section 022 (Spring 2023)

a small island with a palm tree and a sun overlooking it, drawn on graph paper

by an anonymous MATH 112 student

A whiteboard that says HAPPY HALLOWEEN! with images of a bat, ghost, pumpkin, spider, cobweb, and Frankenstein.

by Evey Hanton, Chris Rios, & Tenly Synhorst 

a drawing of a wooden log with leaves coming out the short branches on top; the picture is partially erased

by Rae Rodriguez

a wordcloud with the most prominent words "shapes, area, math, volume, triangle, square, formula, graphs, variables, functions, equations".

Math 112 Section 043 (Fall 2022)

Selected (drafts of) songs recorded by me and/or friends:

TV shows / anime, movies, and writings I fully recommend [not an exhaustive list; in no particular order]: 

Some of my favorite musicians/bands (check them out sometime!!)