
Friday 28th Feb

Complete the pages we started yesterday. When complete those that were working on the sheet with faces, edges and vertices...

Make a lego model with 5 bricks.

Count the edges, vertices and faces.

Draw looking from 2 sides into your book

Those working on the nets draw and make the nets in 'c' - make these twice the size. This means you will need to measure each side and double it to draw accurately.

Week 4

Week 3

This week we are looking at nets - not the fishing kind but the ones a flattened three dimensional shape makes. Please work on parts B, C and D. If you did not complete last weeks triangles and circles activity you can finish that. Then the quick 10 maths problems that is A.

You will need

  • your maths book
  • ruler
  • sharp pencil
  • scrap paper
week 3

Week 2

This week we are learning for some and re visiting circles and measuring and drawing triangles. Please work on B and C and for those who finish can work A

You will need

  • Your math book
  • Ruler
  • sharp pencil
  • protractor

Week 2 All