Geometric Analysis Seminar - UFC

Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC

Fortaleza - CE, Brazil, October 2021- September 2022

Organized by Ernani Ribeiro Jr & Abdênago Barros

Geometric Analysis Seminar - UFC

Next Speaker

Allan Freitas (UFPB)
September 21, 2022, 3pm

Title: Compact gradient Einstein-type manifolds with boundary


We deal with rigidity results for compact gradient Einstein-type manifolds with nonempty boundaries. As a result, we obtain new characterizations for hemispheres and geodesic balls in simply connected space forms. In dimensions three and five, we obtain topological characterizations for the boundary and upper bounds for its area. Joint work with J. N. Gomes.

The purpose of this seminar is to discuss the recent advances in Geometric Analysis and present a general idea about the open problems and objects of interest in this research area.

The seminar will be held in person.

Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC, Department of Mathematics, Fortaleza - CE, Brazil.

We hope to see you in our seminar!