Meet the Teacher

Hello Students and Family,

Welcome! I am excited to work with you all this year as we embark on a new way of learning and teaching. This school year I will be teaching and supporting students in Math, and Computer Science courses.

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little about myself. I have:

  • earned my Bachelor's degree at the University at Albany and my Master's Degree at Hunter College.

  • been a NYC public school teacher for 9 years - this year will be my 10th year of teaching.

  • taught middle school, grades 6-8 in math and science for 6 years.

  • supported students with disabilities in all classroom settings (self-contained; team-teaching; etc.) over the last 9 years

  • taught at MAST high school for four years. The subjects I have taught so far include: Algebra 1; Algebra 2; Geometry; Math Technology and AP Computer Science Principles.

Personally, I identify with the pronouns she and her. I am African-American and Puerto Rican. My Spanish needs work, but I understand a little bit and have held Spanglish conversations with students throughout the year. I have two sons, one of which is currently enrolled in school, so I can relate to parents with their concerns and emotions related to this new era of schooling.

This year will come with many growing and learning pains - and thats okay! Just know that we are all here together and we will work it out. I am very optimistic about my ability to teach and learn during the 2021-2022 academic year.

All the Best,

Mrs. Gonzalez-Shields

Student & Family Expectations for Remote Learning

  1. Students should complete instructional activities assigned by teachers within the expected timelines.

  2. Students should participate in check-ins, discussions, and other communication mechanisms as expected by the teacher.

  3. Students should review teacher feedback and complete any follow-up activities as assigned by the teacher.

  4. Students and families should proactively notify their teacher or a school administrator school with any concerns about progress or additional support needed.

  5. Families should support students in being successful by establishing routines and habits that support their success in remote learning.

  6. Families should ensure that students are adhering to their school’s contract for appropriate behavior on web enabled devices.

(Correspondence from Department of Education)

These are the best options for students and parents to reach me (please allow 24 hours for response):

  1. Send a messages through:

    • Pupil Path

    • Google Classroom

  1. Send an email to:

  1. Text using phone number available to students on google classroom


  • All class assignments and materials for students will be organized on google classroom

  • Calendars with assignment deadlines and important dates can be found on this site for each respective subject

  • Grades will be updated in Pupil Path

  • Students will be assigned work to complete on their own prior to engaging with the teacher and whole class. It is imperative that this work is done on time so that students are able to participate in class activities.