About The Teacher


My name is Alexis Illing and I am so excited to be with you this school year!  I am looking forward to getting to know both you and your child. Here is some information about me. 

I graduated from Moravian College where I received my bachelor of Arts in Special Education. I have been working with kids since I was a teen, teaching swimming at a local elementary school. My goal is to make learning a fun and memorable experience, while making sure that all of my students are safe and comfortable. 

Outside of the classroom, I love to cook and read as many books as I can. I have fun by going to the dog park with my dog, Ellie-May, and my fiance, Roger.  I am getting married in October this year! I love shopping and going out with my family and I love trying new foods.  At home, I can usually be found watching cooking shows on Netflix with all of my family pets or curled up with a good book.

Me, Ellie, Roger

Mom, Sister, Me, Roger, Dad

Me, Ellie, Cooper, Dinky


Color: Olive Green & Yellow                       Drink: Frozen Chai              Hobby: Reading & Cooking

Food: Tater Tots.                                               Season: Fall                              Places: The Dog Park

Store: Amazon & Walmart                     Animal: Sloths & Dogs