Mr. Merrick's Room

4th Grade ELA and Social Studies

"One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years.  To read is to voyage through time." - Carl Sagan

Google Classroom Codes 

407 ELA: itgnnzl

407 Social Studies: jn6yzsi

408 Homeroom: n7ydzjk

408 ELA: y5hp4au

408 Social Studies: z7bs5xn

Remind Codes

407 ELA/SS: 

408 HR/ELA/SS:

Hello and welcome 407 and 408 to the 2023-24 school year!

I'm Mr. Merrick and I could not be more excited to get into the classroom and learn with you all this year! Together, we will make Room 215 a magical, fun, and adventurous place to learn. Buckle up!

This school year I will be teaching English Language Arts and Social Studies to my 408 Homeroom and Ms. Armstrong's 407 Homeroom.

Ms. Caitlin Armstrong will be teaching Math and Science for 407 and 408. Any questions regarding those subjects/assignments can be directed to Ms. Armstrong's email

If you have any questions regarding ELA or Social Studies, please send me an email.

Do not hesitate to reach out for any reason via our emails or Reminds. We are looking forward to getting to know all of our learners and their families.

About the Teacher: