Miss Malmrose

10th Grade English

Room W205

Literature and Composition C

Literature and Composition C

Overview: This required 10th grade course is compilation of the works of various authors. It emphasizes literature as a dual activity involving reading and analysis. Students are invited to view literature as a reflection of life and encouraged to extend their imaginations to the possibilities it provides. The study of literature in this course is accomplished in three ways: Experience, through the reading of a work, Interpretation, through the analysis of a work, and Evaluation, through the assessment of a work’s social, moral and cultural value. There is an emphasis on the history of drama and its changing role over the centuries. Students begin with The Greek Theatre, the genesis of all drama, and move seamlessly through the development of Shakespeare’s Elizabethan theatre, and finally end with modern drama. As well as drama, there is also a study on short stories and an in-depth analysis of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird.