6:135 Accelerated Placement Program

The District provides an Accelerated Placement Program (APP). The APP advances the District’s goal of providing educational programs with opportunities for each student to develop to his or her maximum potential. The APP provides an educational setting with curriculum options usually reserved for students who are older or in higher grades than the student participating in the APP. APP options include, but may not be limited to: (a) accelerating a student in a single subject; (b) other grade-level acceleration; and (c) early entrance to kindergarten or first grade. Participation in the APP is open to all students who demonstrate high ability and who may benefit from accelerated placement. It is not limited to students who have been identified as gifted and talented. Eligibility to participate in the District’s APP shall not be conditioned upon the protected classifications identified in School Board policy 7:10, Equal Educational Opportunities, or any factor other than the student’s identification as an accelerated learner. 

The Superintendent or designee shall implement an APP that includes:

The Superintendent or designee shall annually notify the community, parent(s)/guardian(s), students, and school personnel about the APP, the process for referring a student for possible evaluation for accelerated placement, and the methods used to determine whether a student is eligible for accelerated placement, including strategies to reach groups of students and families who have been historically underrepresented in accelerated placement programs and advanced coursework. Notification may: (a) include varied communication methods, such as student handbooks and District or school websites; and (b) be provided in multiple languages, as appropriate. 

LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/14A.

23 Ill.Admin.Code Part 227, Gifted Education.

CROSS REF.: 6:10 (Educational Philosophy and Objectives), 6:130 (Program for the Gifted), 7:10 (Equal Educational Opportunities), 7:50 (School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools)

Updated: March 2023