Self Care

Self care is a way to take time to yourself and reflect. Working to relieve stress during tough or stressful times can improve self love and appreciation.

If you or someone you know is seeking professional help, here is a resource that some of our squad has recommended! 

It is important to set boundaries.

Keep trusted information confidential.

Boundaries: Boundaries are guildines you set for yourself and other people to ensure self safety. It is important to establish lines that clearly state your goals and intentions.

Ex: Bob's friend texts him every night, right before he goes to bed, at 11pm. They always want to facetime and talk for hours. How does Bob set boundaries?

Bob talks to his friend and tells them that he appreciates their friendship, and wants to continue being friends. Except, after 11pm he is not available. 

Why? Bob established that he is available to talk during the day, and his goal is to maintain a strong connection with his friend, but he must go to bed at 11pm.

Confidentiality: Keeping information that is shared to you private, while still keeping everyone safe.

Confidentiality is one of the most important things that the Hope Squad goes by. We promise to keep the privacy of any individual who reaches out to a Hope Squad member. Hope Squad members are trained to talk to a trusted adult when needed.

Why? Students who are struggling may express personal struggles and do not want that information to be known to other students.

What is Self-Care?
Self-Care Share

100 Self Care Ideas & Methods:

1. Take deep breaths 

2. Do a positive activity 

3. Play sports 

4. Think of something funny 

5. Take a quick walk 

6. Practice yoga 

7. Stand up and stretch 

8. Listen to music 

9. Take a time out 

10. Slowly count to ten 

11. Use positive self-talk 

12. Say something kind to yourself 

13. Talk to a friend 

14. Talk to an adult 

15. Close your eyes and relax 

16. Say, “I can do this” 

17. Visualize your favorite place 

18. Think of something happy 

19. Think of a pet you love 

20. Think about someone you love 

21. Get enough sleep 

22. Eat a healthy snack 

23. Read a good book 

24. Set a goal 

25. Jog in place 

26. Write in a journal 

27. Hum your favorite song 

28. Doodle on paper 

29. Draw a picture 

30. Color a coloring page 

31. Clean something

32. Meditate 

33. Use a stress ball 

34. Dance 

35. Write a letter 

36. Look at pictures you’ve taken 

37. Make a gratitude list 

38. List your positive qualities 

39. Do something kind 

40. Give someone a hug 

41. Put a puzzle together 

42. Do something you love 

43. Build something

44. Play with clay

45. Hug a stuffed animal 

46. Rip paper into pieces 

47. Play an instrument 

48. Watch a good movie 

49. Take pictures 

50. Garden

51. Write a list 

52. Keep a positive attitude 

53. Schedule time for yourself 

54. Blow bubbles 

55. Write a positive note 

56. Chew gum 

57. Paint your nails 

58. Write a story 

59. Blog 

60. Read a joke book 

61. Write a poem 

62. Drink cold water

63. Draw cartoons 

64. Read a magazine

65. Write a thank-you note 

66. Count to 100 

67. Make a list for the future 

68. Read inspirational quotes 

69. Compliment yourself 

70. Visualize a stop sign

71. Laugh 

72. Smile in the mirror

73. Smile at others 

74. Do schoolwork 

75. Look at animal pictures 

76. Hyperfocus on an object 

77. Notice 5 things you can see             

78. Paint with watercolors 

79. Use a relaxation app 

80. Watch a funny video 

81. Drink some tea

82. Cook or bake 

83. Plan a fun trip 

84. Use an I-statement 

85. Identify your emotions 

86. Express your feelings to someone

87. Write down your thoughts 

88. Identify a positive thought

89. Make your day’s schedule 

90. List 10 positives about you 

91. Ask yourself, “What do I need right now?” 

92. Tell someone you are thankful for them 

93. Pet an animal 

94. Make a list of choices 

95. Ask an adult for help 

96. Organize something 

97. Play a card game 

98. Listen to nature sounds 

99. Sit and relax all your muscles 

100. Ask for a break