Career Services Office

Where: Room 302 (near the student entrance)

When: We are open every school day from 8:00AM to 3:30PM

Who: Mr. Luttermoser and Mrs. Simpson

What: We can help you with:

Why: The MASH Career Services Office encourages our students to consider their own intrinsic curiosity, evaluate their natural abilities, and reflect on their personal values so they can enter the professional world with clarity and confidence!

The Big Questions

We encourage all students to consider these questions, as the answers may clarify paths forward and help students identify what may be right for them.

What are you curious about?

This encourages a growth mindset and fosters a love for learning. It shifts the focus from a fixed endpoint to an ongoing process of exploration, allowing for more flexibility and personal development. By emphasizing curiosity, we help children develop a more dynamic and adaptable approach to their future.

What are you skilled at?

Reflecting on existing talents and skills can provide a more realistic  foundation for career planning and personal development. It helps in identifying areas where one excels and can lead to a more fulfilling and achievable career path, rather than an idealized version of the future that may be influenced by external pressures or misconceptions.

What matters to you?

Deeper reflection and self-awareness invites individuals to explore their values, passions, and interests, which are the driving forces behind fulfilling and meaningful choices in life. By asking what matters, you are promoting a sense of purpose that goes beyond mere professional success. 

What challenges in the world are you interested in addressing?

Check out this list of challenges to get you thinking: Challenges List