American Voices Research Essay

Select a key event/topic that occurred between 2000-2009 or 2010-2019.  Consider a historical, social/political, or cultural/entertainment example that significantly impacted the decade. Some general sugestions are listed below.

2000 - 2009:

2010 - 2019:

Once you have an idea of the general topic you'd like to research, start thinking about your research question. Your research question should be more specific than the suggested topics above, and answerable with more than just "yes" or "no" or a quick Google search.

Gather Information

Utilize both print and digital sources to gather relevant information about your chosen event. Make sure to use advanced search techniques effectively to find authoritative sources. Evaluate the usefulness of each source in answering your research question. You must have at least three sources minimum: one fiction text, one nonfiction text, and a text of your choice. 

Research Lesson: English 9



Analyze how the texts you found reflect cultural perspectives and identities of a particular time period?

Research Paper Outline: impact of Event